Page 56 of Forever Love

"Boy, when did I become your slave?"

"Since you're in my house helping yourself to my beer."

Walking into the bedroom, I see Mia sitting there, her entire face lit up with the smile she has, she has a book in her hand and opened. She's been reading, why on earth do I find that sexy?

"Dad's here."

She nods. "I heard. Is he okay?"

"Yep, he's helping himself to some beer. We're waiting on mom to arrive." I take the book from her hands and place it down on the nightstand. "He's still sore." I tell her before she can even ask.

"Is he taking his pills?"

I give her a 'what do you think' look as I pull the comforter off of her. "He's never taken drugs, it's just not something he'll ever do." I lift her into my arms. "There's no point in saying anything."

"Your mother's here," Dad calls out and Mia's eyes widen at the anger in his tone.

"Hey Harrison, hey Marline," Mia says as I place her down on the sofa. Dad grabs the blanket off the chair and passes it to me.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asks her, sitting down on one of the armchairs, Dad takes a seat on the opposite one.

"I'm better, glad to be home."

"That's good. How bad is Hudson annoying you?" Mom laughs at her own words, pissing me off in the process.

I reach for the beer that dad left on the table for me as Mia pulls the blanket over her and gets comfortable beside me.

"She wouldn't be in this situation had it not been for you and that fucking boyfriend of yours," Dad bites out.

Fucking A, we're starting early.

"How is it my fault?" she asks naively.

"Dad," I warn, I know him too well, he's about to go in on her.

"No Son, I've waited long enough for this shit."

Mom waves me off. "Let him say whatever it is he's dying to say."

I sit back against the sofa and let them at it.

"Since when did you become so stupid? Not your fault. Marline, it is your fault. You were sleeping with the fucker. Especially after everything he'd done. You told him everything about those closest to you." Dad's utterly disgusted. As much as he and Mom's marriage never worked, he actually respected her a hell of a lot, well until now that is.

"I never knew that he had hurt Mia."

"Bullshit," I say through clenched teeth, pissed that she's even saying that shit. "You fucking knew."

Mom's face hardens, she knows that she's fucked up.

"You damn well knew what that fucking asshole did to Mia, you heard everything Marline so don't bullshit us with that shit that you had no idea. You just didn't want to believe that he could do that. At least be fucking honest." Dad's tone is one of barely contained rage.

"Yes, I believed him when he said that Mia was mistaken."

Mia's hand rests on my leg, my mom's basically called her a liar to her face and she's comforting me?

"When did you become so gullible?" Dad's face is scrunched up in disgust. "You went against your own son, and you have the nerve to call me a bastard."

"Mom, you've fucked up. You helped that murderer kill even more people, and you can't see what you've done." It's as though I'm talking to a wall.