Page 55 of Forever Love

"I need to make a phone call, I'll be in the sitting room so if you need me all you have to do is yell okay?"

She nods. "I'll be fine, I'm not an invalid, Hudson. Besides I've got a lot of reading to do."

"Okay, I won't be long." I need to call Aaron and see if he's heard from David, he was going to check in on him. He's also sorting out the new shipment that's due in this evening.

Walking into the sitting room, I hit dial and listen to the ringing.

"Boss." Aaron greets me.

"Have you spoken to David?"

"Yes boss, he's currently in Texas, he's flying back tomorrow."

"Good, is everything set for this evening?" I've never let Aaron handle one before. It used to be Martin and then David, Aaron was the only other person that I'd trust to do the job, besides Jagger but he's pulling back a bit. Sarah went a little crazy when she heard he was shot. Thankfully she's calmed down a lot and he's easing his way back into things.

"Yes, I have the men ready and a diversion or two in place should we need them. I'm not going into this blind. I have everything planned out. Don't worry boss, I won't let you down."

I have no fucking doubt that he'll do the job, I wouldn't have asked him if I hadn't. "Call me if you need me."

“Sure Boss, but I won’t. Mia needs you.”

I laugh. "I'm already driving her crazy."

He chuckles, "Boss, you were doing that before she was released from the hospital. Back then she had the nursing staff as a buffer. Now she has to deal with your crazy ass twenty-four-seven."

I shake my head, he's right. I'm a tad overprotective but for good reason. "Right now, I don't give a shit. Mia’s and the baby's health are the most important things and if I have to tie her to the bed then so be it."

His laughter increases. "Oh God help her."

"So expect phone calls or text messages asking for help."

That stops him in his tracks. "What am I meant to do if I get one of these SOS's?"

"As long as she's resting, I don't give a fuck."

"Okay boss." He sounds a little terrified, and I'm pretty sure it's not down to me but of what Mia's going to ask him, if she contacts him.

"Call me if you need me."

"Will do boss. I'll call you once it's done."

I end the call just as the doorbell rings. As I put my cell back into my pocket, the front door opens and in walks Dad. He's walking with a limp, he's still sore from the gunshot wounds he's got. The one to his gut giving him the most pain, he's threatened to kill Jagger numerous times. Jagger has made it his mission to tell as many lame ass jokes as he can, trying to make my dad laugh, knowing damn well that it hurts like a bitch when he does.

"Is Mia settled in?" he asks, no hey son, how are you? Not anymore.

"Yes, she's in bed. She's asked to be present when mom gets here and I agreed. She's to sit on the sofa and not move." I'm telling him because he'll make sure she stays put.

He nods. "I'll sit beside her."

"No you won't, you'll take one of the armchairs, I will sit on the sofa. I want you far away from mom as possible."

His eyes narrow into slits. "Fine. The sooner she gets here the quicker we can get this shit done."

He's not the only one. I want answers and then I want to forget that Martin ever existed, that fucker has caused enough pain and suffering to last a lifetime. "Mom should be here any minute. Let me get Mia."

"I'm getting a beer."

I shake my head. "Make yourself at home why don't you. Get me one while you're at it."