Page 33 of Forever Love

She takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. “My dad would have loved you.”

I laugh. “I doubt that very much.”

Her giggle is like a little bell, I love that fucking sound. “He may not have liked what you do for a living, but he would definitely love you for the way that you love me. The way you treat me. It’s all any father could ever want, if we had a daughter, wouldn’t you want someone to love her the way that you love me?”

“Yes princess I would, although she won’t be dating until she’s at least thirty.”


p; She splutters. “Thirty? Hudson, that’s unreasonable.”

I shrug. “I don’t give a shit if that’s unreasonable. I know what men think, and there’s no way my daughter is going to be doing anything until she’s married.”

Mia laughs. “Oh God, you’re insane!” She cries. “What about Hudson Junior? Will he have to wait until he’s thirty?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, why would he? He can date whenever he wants.”

“You’re crazy. Like certifiable. Hudson, that’s sexist!” She tells me like I have no idea, “I found the love of my life at eighteen. I wouldn’t change that for the world.”

“Yes, and if you hadn’t have managed to somehow sneak into my club then we wouldn’t have gotten together and that would have been a fucking travesty. Having said that, you shouldn’t have been in my club, you damn well shouldn’t have gone home with someone you didn’t know.”

She gasps. “I went home with you. We’re not having a girl so the point is moot. I’m not arguing with you.” She turns to look out the window and I know that I’ve put my foot in it. I’ve upset her.


She shakes her head. “Leave it. It’s okay.” Her voice is small and I’m pretty sure I hear tears in her voice. I’ve definitely fucked up.



I’m in absolute shock, I can’t believe this is happening. “How?” I ask Sarah as she pulls me into a room off the side of the church entrance.

“He’s had it planned for a few weeks, everyone has been under strict instructions not to say anything. I swear he’d have killed anyone who would have spilled the beans.” Her smile is so wide, I can’t help but follow suit. “Mia, he has gone all out. He’s not spared a cent in making this everything you could have ever wanted.” She reaches for the dress bag that’s hanging up and begins to unzip it.

When I see it I gasp. “Oh my God, Sarah how did he know?” I can’t believe he actually bought me the dress I had wanted since I was a little girl. From the way it’s strapless, to the diamantes, all the way to the fishtail skirt, everything about it is exactly as I had dreamed.

Sarah laughs, “Mia, we’ve talked about our dream days since we were thirteen years old. There’s nothing about this day that I don’t know.”

My eyes widen. “You? You did all this?”

She shrugs. “You’re my best friend Mia, I’d do anything to make sure that your big day is everything you’ve ever wanted.” Tears shine in her eyes, “Mia, you’ve been my rock, every single time I felt like giving in, all I had to do is call you. You’d remind me of everything I was fighting for, working towards. You are my sister and I love you with all my heart, I just wish you felt the same.”

My tears fall, I’ve been such a bitch, I’ve held so much back from her. “Sarah…” I croak.

“Mia, I know something happened to you, I can see it in your eyes.”

I wipe the tears. “I didn’t want you to think differently of me.”

She takes my hands, “Mia, that’s never going to happen. You are my guardian angel. Nothing you could tell me would ever, ever, make me think of you differently.”

“While I was in that basement…” I look to the floor, shame running through me. “Martin raped me.” I shudder at the words. “He shot Lacey, I was tied up, I couldn’t save her. By the time I got free, it was too late.” Pain bursts into my chest as I remember that day, the tears once again fall and I don’t think there will ever be a time that I don’t think about what happened to her and not shed a tear.

Arms go around me, squeezing me tightly. “I thought it was something like that. Mia, if I ever get my hands on that bastard I’m going to kill him. He’s hurt you and I hate that, but Mia, no one and I mean no one will ever think of you differently. You are amazing, strong, and beautiful, what he did to you, wasn’t a reflection on you but him. He’s an animal and the day he dies will be the day that we all smile.”

“I love you,” I whisper pulling her closer to me, I should have known that she wouldn’t have thought I was weak or stupid. Just as if this had happened to her, I wouldn’t have thought any differently about her.

“I love you too, but Mia we need to get you ready. You’ve got a wedding to get to.”