The grandparents will be here soon to hog the kids, and there will be nothing for me to do in the few hours it would take me to go there and back. Derrick has a deadline that he’s working on, and the chef that mom stuck us with will take care of dinner.

See, nothing to do with my time. I flounced down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. “They have all kinds of safety harnesses and stuff, and there’s a certified climber going on the climb with us.”

“He won’t be going with you because you’re not going. If that fucker shows up at my door, I’m going to kick his ass like I should’ve the last time he took you to jump out of a plane. The only reason he’s still breathing is because I know that you’re the one who comes up with this shit.”

“But, I’m bored.” Uh-oh! I felt him stiffen beneath my thighs before he gave me the most devastating look I think I’ve ever seen. “You’re bored? With the kids and me? I knew this would happen.” He tried pushing me off his lap, and I clung. What the hell just happened? How did we get here?

“That’s not what I meant, I just meant, I wanted to get out of the house for a little bit…no-no, that’s not it, I’m not saying this right. I’m not bored being a wife and mom; I just meant…it’s fun. Oh gosh, I’m not explaining this right.”


She spent the next half an hour trying to explain what she meant, and I didn’t give shit away, not even by a flicker, but it was hard not to laugh. Oh, I know she’s not bored. As much as she loves to fuck and be up under me every free moment, I’d have picked up on that shit long before now.

I’d decided to work from home after the twins were born. Apparently, that’s all I’m capable of planting or so I like to joke. I did get my girl, and she got her boy, he looks like me, and my little girl is the spitting image of her mom, something I know is going to be a problem someway down the line. Damn, and there’s three of them, with Jenny for a mom; I’m already sweating.

Poor Junior is the odd man out, but I’ll be here to have his back in this sea of females. Emma and Sara treat Junior and Emily like their play dolls, and Jenny has her hands full, so I thought it best that I stay around here to help keep an eye on things. Even with a housekeeper, a chef, and two nannies, it’s still not enough.

Yeah, the nanny thing, that shit was funny as hell. Jenny, in no way shape or form, wanted another woman in her house, but there’s no way I was going to let her eighteen-year-old ass work herself into an early grave with four kids under three. So, we compromised. The nannies are both older women who’ve already raised their own kids and grandkids.

They’re only here until dinnertime, and then they get to go home to their families since my wife and I like getting up with the kids in the middle of the night. It’s weird, but we have some of the most amazing bonding times with them then, when the house is quiet, and their sisters are not vying for our attention.

Throughout the day, she’s dealing with her thesis or whatever it is she’s got going on, and I work the same eight or nine hours I usually do. Though working from home, I take more breaks to spend time with my family. Our days are completely full and satisfying, or they used to be before this nut decided that it would be fun to find new ways to kill herself.

I didn’t know she was up to this shit until a few weeks ago when I went to touch her, and she winced. When I lifted her shirt, she had bruises all up and down her ribs. Just when I was ready to murder someone, she let me know that she’d done it to herself, trying to horse surf of all things.

That fuck Paul is the only one she ever leaves the house with except me, so I dragged the truth out of him the next time I saw him. That’s how I heard about all the other shit she’s been up to. I know this change has something to do with her giving birth, not that she wasn’t fucking nuts before then, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to curb it.

The nine months of her pregnancy were a testament to my love for her; she was a miserable little shit. I had to practically force-feed her the first four months, then the cravings shit started, and I wished she’d stop eating nasty shit and getting the girls on that bandwagon.