That one was across the room so she couldn’t hear what was being said, but she saw the smile, and I’m hoping she hadn’t missed the way the woman vamped it up at my approach. I sipped the champagne that someone had put into my hand as I made my way around the room and looked through the throng of people at her.

Her face was like a thundercloud as she glared at me, and I’m willing to bet she’d already forgotten the asshole’s name. I just lifted my brow at her and tried not to laugh out loud, not quite believing that I was doing this shit. She’s making me nuts.

“So how about it, handsome?”

“Excuse me? I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.” Shit, I’d forgotten all about the woman I’d asked for the time. “I said how about you and I go grab a drink somewhere less crowded.”

“Sorry, already taken.” Ms. Thing made a beeline across the room, and I pretended I didn’t see her ass as I walked away. Some games are fun.

“That was just mean.” She caught up with me and grabbed my elbow.

“What? What’re you talking about?”

“You know damn good and well what I’m talking about. You were flirting with that woman.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I just asked her for the time.” She opened her mouth to argue then closed it again.

She didn’t leave my side for the rest of the night, and I didn’t have to grind my teeth into powder each time some swinging dick got too close to her. She didn’t dance with anyone else but me, and that jacket never came off, no matter how often she complained about being too hot.

By the end of the night, we were locking lips long before the countdown started in the little corner we’d found to hide away in. “I can’t wait to take you home and take this dress off of you,” I whispered in her ear as the crowd cheered in the New Year around us.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd to find her parents, who hugged and kissed her goodbye. Her mom was sloshed, and her dad had this look on his face like he couldn’t wait for the night to be over. Gross!

Once back across the street, instead of heading for the stairs, she pulled me into the living room and got down on her knees to reach under the tree. She came out with the little gift she’d left under there that I’d all but forgotten. I noticed that she seemed nervous when she gave it to me and became even more alarmed when her hand trembled.

“Jenny, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I have to…um, I have to use the restroom I’ll wait for you upstairs.” She bolted, leaving me to wonder about her strange behavior. I unwrapped the gift as I walked towards the stairs to follow her up and almost fell on my ass when the plastic stick fell into my hand.

“Oh, shit!” I felt equal parts happy and apprehensive. This was good for me; if you haven’t noticed by now, I love kids. But she’s so young. Geez, Derrick, you fuck, why didn’t you take better care of her? I walked up the stairs, not knowing what to expect.

It didn’t register in my mind that the shit had been under the tree for more than a week and that within that week, she hadn’t shown any signs of distress. I was worried that she might think this was too much too soon.

She was standing in the middle of the room, looking lost, and I walked over and wrapped her up in my arms. “Baby, you okay?” She lifted her face, and her eyes looked uncertain.

“Are you?” I felt that little ray of hope unfurl in my gut as I nodded my head slowly.

“Please don’t tell me you don’t want this. I don’t want to be the asshole here, but this is the best fucking news I’ve had all year.” When she smiled and threw her arms around my neck, I released the air from my lungs and hugged her tight enough to make her squeal.

“Shit, sorry, did I hurt you?” I put my hand on her tummy, which hadn’t grown as far as I could tell. “So that’s why your tits keep growing. I thought it was my imagination.” I ran my finger along her cleavage and watched little goosebumps appear on her skin.

“Are you happy? Or sad?”

“I’m happy; I’m just worried that this might be too soon for you. You’re still so young, and there’s still so much you want to do.” I looked into her eyes, and all I saw there were stars and a light of pure joy. Could she really love me this much? The shit is humbling.

“Derrick, I’m a very intelligent person did you know that? I’ve been a member of Mensa since the age of seven. I have enough college credits to graduate twice, but I’m still going to our local high school, do you know why?”