When I finally rolled away from her again, and she was panting for her next breath, I leaned on my hand and looked down at her. “Is that what you plan to do? Online classes? You sure that’s going to be enough for you?” As much as I don’t want her to go away, I do feel a tad bit guilty, like I was taking something away from her.

But if the alternative was letting her go halfway across the country to study, then I’m going to be a bastard. I can’t let her go. She’s a part of me now, the best part besides my girls. I’m only now coming to life it seems like, finally coming out from under that dark cloud that has followed me all my adult life, and she’s like the ray of sunshine I’ve been missing.

We’ve spent the last few days living out of each other’s pockets, getting to know one another. I’m not surprised to find that I like her. I knew I’d come to love her like crazy, but liking her is something else entirely. I can’t remember the last time I actually liked someone.

She makes me feel the way I used to; I’m more like the man I always thought I would be when I’m with her. There’s a new lightness in the air now, I no longer feel like I’m just going through the motions and I know I have her to thank for a lot of that, but she also likes fucking with me every chance she gets.

She’s nothing at all like she appeared in the beginning. After watching her take down Lauren, I know better than to fall for her innocent little girl bullshit, but sometimes I get the feeling she does things to draw me out. How the hell she knows that this isn’t the real me is beyond me, but I guess it’s like she says, she knows me better than anyone else.

The next few days, she was like a whirlwind around here going back and forth between her place and mine, but she spent every night in my bed. She was all over the place trying to get us both ready for her family’s big New Year’s Eve party that I was apparently not allowed to miss, and mom and dad were taking the twins for a week to give me a break they said.

I didn’t have much time to worry about Lauren because Jenny was always up to some shit or dragging me off somewhere. And since there were no calls and no show from her by the day of the party, I relaxed a little.

Jenny and I were lying in bed, lazing away the morning with nothing to do with the twins gone. She was very busy with some paperwork she’d brought from home and paying me no mind, something I find that I do not like, not one bit. I’ve grown spoiled, I guess, having all of her attention for myself.

I hadn’t told her about Lauren, not yet, I’m waiting for more information before I open that can of worms. We haven’t really discussed that whole scene since it happened; in fact, she was more interested in talking about our wedding, which I could get behind.

I thought for sure she’d want to plan some huge elaborate thing that would take at least a year to plan and had my arguments lined up since I wasn’t about to let that happen, so imagine my surprise when I heard her arguing with her mom over the phone that the wedding must be no later than March.

Her mom tried convincing her that it was too soon, and there was no way they’d be able to find a venue in time, but Jenny went and had a closed-door conference with her dad, and the next thing you know, we’re having a March wedding. Fine by me, but I notice whenever those two get together, shit happens.

“I want to see that dress you’re wearing this evening.” I pulled the sheet further down on her chest and revealed her tits that seemed to keep growing each time I look at them. Maybe she’s ovulating or something. I seem to remember that a woman’s body can change during that time, which means I better pull out.

She still hasn’t told me why she doesn’t have a problem with me cumming inside her, but I don’t want to take any chances. Her dad has been pretty understanding so far, but I’m pretty sure if I get his eighteen-year-old daughter pregnant now, he’d have my ass. Besides, she’s too young to be a mother of three.

“You’ll see it this evening.”

“It’s not that one that shows off your legs, is it? The one I told you not to get?” She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”