No one had called me, I knew nothing about a court date, but since I’ve never really been involved with the court system I wasn’t sure, so I left it up to the lawyers to look into. I wanted this shit over and done with, so I could put it behind me. Hopefully, they’ll see that she’s not quite right and get her the help she needs.

I did have a few moments over the weekend, where I wondered how a life could spin out of control so quickly. The Lauren I knew had always been poised and well put together, nothing at all like the screaming maniac that had been dragged out of my living room. I was worried about my girls even though they’re too young to be affected now. What about when they grow up and ask where their mother is?

I don’t have it in me to lie to them; I hope I never do. Maybe by then, I’d have found them some help, someone who could walk them through without them losing themselves or blaming themselves for shit that they had no control over. I’m a grown-ass man, and I can tell you now I refuse to take any responsibility for any of the shit she did, so I won’t be letting my girls walk that route.

Jenny was the only one who seemed the least affected when I told her that Lauren made bail. She just shrugged like it made no difference to her. I guess that makes sense since she’s a walking fucking lethal weapon. I walked into the bedroom Tuesday after taking a shower, and she was lolling around on the bed.

“Hey, tough girl, you think you can take me?” I’ve been teasing her with that or a variation of it ever since I saw that video.

“Not right now, I just got my nails done.” She held her fingers up to her face with a grin.

“What’s that you’re doing now?” She had her side of the bed covered with papers. School was starting back in a few days, so I figured she was working on something. It still freaks me out just a little bit that I’m about to marry little Jenny. Stranger than fucking fiction!

“Filling out some last-minute stuff for college.” My body stiffened. I’ve been avoiding this conversation like an ass for the last week or so. When I take into consideration how smart she is, I know college is going to be a part of her future, and I know the local university isn’t going to cut it. Damn!

“Which college?”

“Harvard, of course! Which one did you think?” I think I lost sight for a second, everything went dark and my head began to spin. I barely kept myself standing as thoughts of her being that far away from me hit me in the gut. I’d gone from not even remembering who she was to damn near catatonic at the thought of living my life without her in it.

“You’re not going to Harvard.” I stopped rubbing the water from my hair and just stared at her. Shit, damn and blast.

“Why not?” Is she serious right now? What the fuck does she mean, why not? I wasn’t sure if she was playing me again or not. I’ve noticed in the last few days that that’s one of her favorite pastimes, trying to get a rise out of me.

“Because Harvard is there, and we’re here, and that shit’s too far away.” You can’t do this Derrick you can’t stand in the way of her dreams. You went off to school and had a whole fucking life on top of it. Fuck that; she wanted me, now she’s got me. And she’s not fucking going even if I have to tie her to my bed and leave her ass there.

The caveman that I didn’t know still lived in me came out in full force. I dropped the towel from around my waist and climbed onto the bed with her. I’ll just fuck her into submission. “And because I say so.” Fuck! I’m that guy now.

She snorted and spread her legs open wider beneath the sheet she had covering herself for me to get settled. “You’re so easy. I’m starting early online classes in the spring.” It took me a second to realize what she said while she laughed her ass off at getting another one over on me—little shit.

She might find that shit funny, but I don’t. I’ve just spent the last few days coming to terms with just how much I’d fucked up my life and was working on how to fix it, with her playing a major part in those plans.

“You like teasing me, don’t you-you little shit.” She let the sheet fall lower, revealing her tits, and I fell for it like a sap. I had a nipple in my mouth, and all was forgotten for the next hour while we did what we do best, tear the sheets off the bed.