I made my way around to the parking lot, and my tummy started to hurt the closer I got to the cars that were parked there. I hadn’t done anything like this since I left my old life behind. I’d made myself into a completely different person after meeting Derrick and had vowed to leave all the other things that he wouldn’t approve of behind.

It had been easy too, being someone else takes a lot of work, and I’d found the adrenaline rush I needed just by being this new me day in and day out. The fact that I’d fallen in love with Derrick also helped, and by the time the twins came along, my past was a distant memory never to be revisited. In fact, sometimes I can’t even remember my life before him.

But now it was all coming back to me. I guess this is what they mean by survival of the fittest. When pushed into a corner, you’d use your every instinct to survive, to stay one step ahead of the competition. As I did now as I chose a vehicle to ‘borrow’.

I chose a medium-range Suburban, nothing too splashy that would bring attention. I wasn’t planning on speeding, so I overlooked the trendier models that were expected to be found in a town like this. I made easy work of breaking the passenger side window and reached in to open the door.

I then scooted over to the driver’s seat, avoiding the broken glass before hotwiring the car. I’m surprised at how easily it all came back to me. Except for breaking the glass, there are much more profitable ways to get inside, but I was pressed for time and finesse was the last thing on my mind.

I drove out of the lot at a snail’s pace expecting to hear shouts coming from behind me any second, but by the time I reached the edge of the parking lot about to make the turn, I knew I’d gotten away so far. Would they call and warn Derrick? I hope not. The anger that I’d kept hidden for the last day and a half came back full force now as I made my way back to the house.


I was breathing like a racehorse who’d just ran the circuit twice when I rolled away from her. How the hell did we get from the dinner table to here? Oh yeah, she’d said some shit about my ring on her finger, making her horny, and the next thing I knew, I was fucking her on the table. I looked over to see remnants of sweet potato pie still stuck to her hair; don’t ask.

“Damn, Jenny, what the hell?” She had this look in her eye I know that look, she’s about to pass out. My dick had been truly and completely depleted of all substance. If my balls could produce anything for the next ten hours or so, I’d be surprised. I’d forgotten what it was like to be a teenager, all that stamina and staying power.

She stretched, and my eyes went between her thighs to her pussy while my cock gave a failing attempt to lift his head. “You killed him; he’s done for. I hope you don’t expect me to fuck you again until tomorrow morning, greedy ass.”

She howled with laughter and rolled over onto her stomach in her classic position when she was ready to conk out on me. “Sleep, baby.” I kissed her shoulder and rolled out of bed.

“But I didn’t give you your final gift yet.” That’s true; she’s been all hush-mouthed and secretive about what was wrapped in the thin box she’d left under the tree after everything else had been unwrapped.

I’d already opened all the other shit she got me, and she was wearing the ring and the bracelet and necklace I’d given her. Even though I was dying to know what else she’d got me, it could wait.

“It’ll keep babe.” I scratched my stomach and headed for the shower; I had stuff to do, so her falling asleep this early was just perfect. I’m sure she’d be up again in another few hours, it was barely past eight after all, but by then I should be finished with my task.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in the black label cashmere sweater she’d bought me, and a pair of charcoal grey slacks. I don’t think jeans would be appropriate for what I was about to do. I did wear leather loafers foregoing dress shoes.

One last look at her on the bed and I left feeling light on my toes. I looked in on the girls who I was sure would be out for the night as tiring a day as they’d had. I pulled the nursery door closed behind me, went downstairs, and reset the alarm as I left the house to walk around the corner.