“How did you learn to cook like this? I know it wasn’t your mother.”

“It’s just science.” I almost put my hand up to stop her because once she gets started on that topic, it’s hard as hell to get her off. And since my brain doesn’t work like hers, half the time I don’t know what the hell she’s going on about. But with her, everything boils down to science.

I plowed my way through a four-course meal while she nibbled on a few slices of turkey breast and some spinach; first time in my life, I ever ate that shit, and that’s only because she’d dressed it up with other vegetables that hid the taste I hate.

“Why aren’t you eating? And why the hell do you look so pale all of a sudden?”

“It’s nothing; I just overdid it a little, that’s all. As to why I’m not eating, I always feel full after cooking. It’s the smell of the food and tasting as I go.” She gave me a little half-smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“You’re not going back into your head again, are you? Because after that meal, I just want to sit back and watch the game.”

“Typical male. We’re not even married yet, and you’re showing your ugly side.”

“Listen you little shit. It doesn’t matter how many sides I have; you’re stuck with all of them. It’s the price you pay for working whatever it is you worked on me that brought me back to you after all these years.” She snorted and poked me in the hand with her damn fork.

“That too is science.” I rolled my eyes and got up to get her another glass of the sparkling cider. “How do you figure?”

“Well, chemistry is science, yes. It’s like the story your mom told us earlier about the ring. Though the ring isn’t a living, breathing thing, it still drew people to it. Those who weren’t supposed to own it were turned off from it in one way or another until it came to its rightful owner.”

She looked at her finger and smiled. “When I was little, the first time I ever saw you, it was like meeting someone from another life. I felt like I knew you somehow. And though I was too young to understand the mechanics of being in love, I knew that the feelings were too strong for them to have no meaning.”

“And when I came back home with a wife and kids?” She wrinkled her brow.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I wasn’t worried even then. I was more annoyed that you didn’t remember me. Of course, I didn’t plan on doing anything to break your family apart, but I always knew that it would end between you and her.”

“Yeah? And how did you know that?” She got really quiet for a moment as she studied me. Really quiet and really serious. “Because you’re mine.” Why don’t I find this shit crazy? In a movie, she’d be the crazy stalker chick that I’d be trying to run away from. Not putting a multi-million dollar ring on her finger and plotting how to get her to the altar as soon as possible.

“And while we’re on the subject like I told your mom, I love the girls because they’re a part of you. But I don’t think I can handle you being close to Lauren in the future. And it’s not just because of what she did. Maybe somewhere down the line, if you decide to patch things up with her for the girls’ sake, I might be okay, but not right now. I know that’s selfish of me. But it’s the way I feel.”

“No, I don’t find it selfish. I would be surprised if you didn’t feel that way. I knew beneath all that calm, cool reserve of yours beat the heart of a female. I promise you; it’ll be a long time before I want to even look in the same direction as my ex-wife. And while we’re on that subject. If you ever cheat on me, you won’t get off half as easy as she did.”

“Deal! And if you should ever cheat on me, I’ll just take your dick as a souvenir.” I choked and spat my wine all over my hand.

“It’s just science. That’s my favorite part of you, so why shouldn’t I get it in the divorce?” She was fighting hard not to laugh, but I wasn’t sure that she wasn’t serious; she’s crazy enough, I think.

I have to admit that I started drawing some comparisons in my head. Like wondering if the day would’ve been as happy and light if Lauren was here. I know she’s Emma and Sara’s mother, and I don’t plan on bad-mouthing her to them, but I’m having a hard time figuring out the dynamics of our sordid mess.