My eyes fell on the iron bars, and an idea came to me. I know! I felt my face split in a smile as I moved back as far as I could before running headfirst into the bars.


By the time I pulled out of her, she was back to being my happy girl. Now I was the one worrying about shit. She seemed happy enough with her ring, and her pussy wasn’t any less hungry than usual, but she’s taking on a lot. And I still haven’t had that talk with her father.

I know she says they know the deal, but that’ not how I want this to go; I wouldn’t want it for my own daughters. I’ve already wasted more than enough time, should’ve taken care of this from the start; damn.

Nope, not going to do this. I just fucked her out of her funk; no way am I falling into one. And besides, I am genuinely happy for the first time in a very long while, so there’s no need to buy trouble. All the same, I kept my eye on her. By the time my parents showed up, we’d gotten ourselves cleaned up and were playing with the girls who were having the time of their lives.

“Mom, dad, you’re here.” Mom looked surprised to see Jenny, but that look soon changed when she saw the ring on her finger. “Oh, I see.” She smiled and shook her head as she walked over to give her a hug. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you planned this.”

“Mom!” The fuck?

“Oh, relax. I said if I didn’t know better. Life sure is strange the way it works out sometimes. I don’t have to tell you that my son has already been through enough with one marriage. You’re still young, are you sure this is what you want?”

I moved to get between them, not sure what mom was up to, but Jenny stopped me in my tracks with one of her looks. “Yes, it’s what I’ve always wanted, ever since I was eight years old.”

“I know you had a crush on my son, but are you sure that’s enough. What’s more, he’s not alone any longer, he has children and an ex-wife. How do you feel about that?”

“The girls are a part of Derrick; it doesn’t matter who their mother is or what she’s done. I love them because they’re his.”

“Well, I still think you’re a bit young, but I guess you two know what you’re doing. I guess he’s serious since he gave you my grandmother’s ring. There’s a story behind this ring.”

Mom turned to me as she said this. “I never told you about that. It’s believed that the ring will only go to its rightful owner. The diamond has some kind of strange history attached to it. The man who mined it died not long after, and there were a few accidents associated with it. Then it was stolen before Cartier set it, and the thief ended up dying while trying to escape the police.”

“As the story goes, grandma was fascinated with it. It was shown at a soiree she attended with your great-grandfather, and apparently, she took one look at it and claimed it spoke to her. Not with words, she wasn’t crazy… I mean… you know what I mean.”

“There were a few interested buyers after the ring had been set; it was even sold once. But for some unknown reason, it was returned days later. Your great-grandfather bought it because grandma would not accept anything else.”

“It’s strange, but my mother had it for years in the vault, and so did I, and neither of us was ever inclined to try it on as beautiful as it is. Wear it well, Jenny.” She finished her story and went to join dad on the sofa with the twins. I’m guessing that’s her rendition of a blessing.

Dad didn’t have much to say; he never does. He was more interested in Lauren’s return and the precautions I’d taken to safeguard my family. I reassured him that everything was secure here, and he need not worry. After the holidays are over, I plan to take care of the Lauren issue once and for all, but she’s the last thing I want to talk about today.

After the parents left, the girls were pretty much dead on their little feet. We put them down for a nap a little after two and had what must’ve been the earliest Xmas dinner anywhere. I finally got a look at all that she’d done on her own and was just slightly amazed.

“Jenny, who’s going to eat all this?” She’d made enough food to feed a family of six it looked like.

“We can freeze some, and I plan to make my special potpies with some of the leftover turkey.