I had to cup my hand over my mouth to muffle the scream. I don’t know how long I stood there watching with murder in my eyes. How could he? I knew it, knew all those times he brushed me off that he was fucking her.

“Fucking liar.” I ducked my head low after my outburst and hurried back to the Rover, keeping low to the ground and in the shadows cast by the light coming through the windows. I needn’t have worried; my husband was too busy fucking the babysitter to notice that I was even there.

I was shaking so hard by the time I made it back to the Rover; it took me three tries to get the door open.


We’d had a full day with the girls Jenny and I. Since it was their first Xmas, we’d done everything around town that we thought their little hearts would enjoy. I think their biggest moment was at the skating rink Jenny dragged us off to later in the evening.

After we bundled them up to their eyeballs, we’d strapped the kids into these little wagons and pulled them along behind us as she and I skated around the rink. Then we sat and had hot chocolate in the park while some local group performed the nutcracker. My girls were mesmerized, all three of them.

Jenny is a big Xmas nut, something I didn’t know until the last week. I was too preoccupied watching her with the girls, the way they responded to her. After their mother, I guess I can’t help that, but Jenny is so loving with them. At one point, I asked her how she could be so genuinely kind to the children of someone who’d tried to harm her, and her answer humbled me even more than the love she’d borne me all these years.

“They’re yours.” She’d said, just like that, and wormed her way even deeper into my heart. So there we were, the girls were tucked away in bed after tiring themselves out. Everything was ready for tomorrow, the big day.

I talked Jenny into playing strip poker in front of the fireplace, where she proceeded to cheat as usual. Once we were both bare-assed naked, which is what I was really after, I chased her around the room before taking her down and mounting her right there beneath the tree.

It’s as I was fucking into her from behind that she turned to look back at me. The light from the fire and the tree lights cast a glow on her face that made my breath catch. It’s been happening a lot lately, these moments where I can feel her wrap around my heart.

I cupped her cheek and kissed her brow with my cock thumping against her pussy walls as I dripped precum inside her. And that’s when I heard the sound coming from outside the window. I had to think fast; I didn’t want her or the person outside to know that I’d heard. I had a pretty good idea who it might be, though.

“Baby, I want you in bed!” I pulled out and lifted her in my arms with her legs wrapped around me. She impaled herself on my cock as I walked up the stairs to the master bedroom. I knew everything was locked up tight, I’ve been making sure of it every day and night, and the alarm was set.

There was no way for Lauren to get into the house since all the locks had been changed. I took Jenny to bed and finished making love to her, knowing that she’d be asleep by the time I roll away from her. She hadn’t planned to spend the night, and it was still early, just barely nine o’clock. But I’m not letting her out of my sight with that lunatic on the loose.

I made my way back downstairs with my phone to my ear. “Yes, this is Derrick Masters, my Rover that was stolen weeks ago was just seen in the neighborhood.” They have the whole story there in front of them, but I reiterated that my ex-wife was dangerous and wasn’t allowed near me, my kids, or my home per the judge’s ruling.

I was banking on the fact that with kids involved, they’d get their act together. I’m pretty sure she hadn’t gone too far, and if these clowns knew what they were doing, it should be easy to catch up to her.

I turned off all the lights except the ones on the tree and left the fire going and sat in the dark as I listened to what was going on outside. I’ve gone through this a thousand times in my head. What would I do if Lauren came back? If it were just me, I’d go out into the night and knock the shit out of her for what she tried to do to my kids, to Jenny and me.