Until then, I was always strung tight, waiting for the day he woke up and realized that I’d wormed my way into his life. I’d seen the looks, heard the whispers. I’m pretty enough, but nowhere near what anyone would expect to be on the arm of someone like Derrick.

He’s rich, handsome, and one of the nicest guys around. I don’t know why that little tramp rattled me so much, it’s not like she’s the first woman to have her eyes on my husband, but there was something about their shared past that got under my skin.

She’s the first rival who actually had a history with my husband, someone from his past, someone who was more suitable than me. That’s the part that scared me more than anything else. The fact that they share an almost identical background.

I knew the second my mother in law remembered her so fondly that there was something there to be worried about. And though the older woman seemed to think that it was a harmless time in their history, the fact that Jenny never mentioned it in all the times she’d been to our home made me nervous.

To be fair, Derrick didn’t say or do anything different from what he’d been doing thus far, but in my mind, I could already see the changes coming. It didn’t help that I’d stopped taking my pills a while before, I’m sure that added to the paranoia.

I heard holiday music piping from somewhere outside the window of the grungy little bed and breakfast I’d found for the night on my way back home. I’ll just explain things to Derrick; tell him how I’d felt because he’d kept his relationship with the teen bimbo a secret.

Guilt him into seeing that it was his fault. That always seemed to work in the past, and not for the first time; I wondered just what it was about his past that had made him so uninterested in life that he’d let me worm myself in.

It didn’t matter now though, all that mattered was him letting me back in. Something I was sure wouldn’t be hard since he’s so into family. With the holidays and all, I’m sure he’d want us to be together. I hunkered down under the covers to catch a few more winks.

It feels like I’d been going nonstop since I left the house that day. Once I get home, I’m going to take a nice long bath and sleep for days. Maybe that lady we’d been hiring could come and watch the girls, or we can send them to his parents’ home while Derrick and I spend some time together, getting to know each other again.


I looked up at him, trying to avoid having the conversation he seemed hell-bent on having. Now is not the time. I’m waiting for after the fallout I know is coming when the dust has settled. Then and only then will we be having that particular conversation about babies.

He’s lived up to and in some ways surpassed all of my expectations where we’re concerned. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can’t believe how happy I am these days. It’s kind of earth-shattering to go from almost despair to having your every dream come true, add the magic of the holiday season, and I’m living my very own Hallmark moment.

That’s if Hallmark had an X-Rated section. I can feel his hardness pressing into me, can already feel that sweet languor as liquid heat pools in the seat of my underwear. My heart squeezed like it always does when I look into his eyes and see that light there. He’s coming back.

“What’s so funny about that question, babe?” I pulled his face down to mine with my hands clasped behind his neck. “I’ll tell you later, now kiss me.” I saw the flash of need in his eyes just seconds before our lips met. Will he always give in to me this easy? My heart raced with the idea that he won’t. My Derrick was a force to be reckoned with, and I got hot just thinking about him taking me over once he got over handling me with kid gloves.

His hands-on my waist and his lips on mine while he rocked his hips into the cradle of mine, pressing his cock hard into my clit made lights flash behind my closed lids. I like the way she still hurries me out of my clothes, almost tearing them in his haste. Like the fact that he’s so hungry for me.

I opened my legs wider beneath him in the little mini black leather skirt I wore with the form-fitting white cashmere sweater. I’d worn this outfit specifically with the intent of driving him crazy. I knew that while the girls were awake and we had to wait to get our hands on each other, that the sight of my thighs in the old fashion thigh high wool socks that came to just beneath my ass in the skirt that had to be no more than ten inches long would make him rabid.