No matter how much I told her that they were too young to appreciate all the extra effort, she still did as she pleased. Come to think of it; she does that shit a lot. I notice that half the time, she only seems to be humoring me before she goes off and does what she wants anyway.

I smile at the thought of her gorgeous little face when I burst her damn bubble. She claims she wants the old Derrick back, her Derrick as she calls me, but I wonder if she knows how much of a control freak I used to be even as a teen. And now, with my life’s experiences, she’s in for it. I’ll let her get through her first holiday with the girls and me before introducing her to that shit.

“About the reason you let me cum inside you. Aren’t you afraid of getting pregnant? Or are you now able to have children?” Why the hell that should make her laugh is beyond me.

“Don’t you like cumming inside me? You seemed to like it last night and the night before and…”

I tackled her to the floor while she laughed up at me as I felt that new warmth wrap itself around my heart. So was so deep inside me, it was scary. I know that place where she now lives, it’s where my girls had settled the second they came into the world, and now there’s three of them in there, no room for anyone else except the kids she and I may one day share if she can indeed have them.

I feel almost guilty for being this happy with her. The last week has been like something out of a dream, and I find myself wondering from time to time how we’d been lucky enough to come full circle. She and I are like something you’d see in a cheesy movie of the week special.

I barely spared a thought for my ex-wife in all that time. As long as my girls were okay, all three of them, I didn’t give a fuck where or what she was doing. But I’m smart enough to keep an eye out for trouble because I know her twisted ass isn’t done with me yet.

The fact that the cops haven’t found even a hair of her tells me that she’d gone into hiding and that maybe she’d done this before. I wasn’t able to find her lover by combing through her phone and had pretty much given up on looking since I got tangled up with Ms. Thing. I no longer seem to care. But now, with the holiday so close, I’m feeling a bit on guard.


I made a mistake acting in haste the way I did. I was halfway out of the state before I realized what I’d done. There had been no way for Derrick to find out what I’d done; it was just a one-night stand with some random guy I picked up in a bar. He’d used a condom, and I’m on the pill, so there was no danger of an accident coming back to bite me in the ass.

But that day, I don’t know what took over my mouth, what made me blurt out the truth like that. Oh yeah, I remember. It’s all that little bitch’s fault. Before she came along, my life was just as I’d always imagined it. Just the way I’d plotted and planned since the day I met Derrick.

I had the perfect husband, the perfect home; everything was just as I’d always wanted. It was as if my luck in life had finally changed. The day I met Derrick was one of the happiest days of my life. I couldn’t believe that the guy all the girls on campus were hot for was actually interested in me. True, we didn’t have a wild romance in the beginning, and it’s true I had to put in most of the work, but I used his disinterest to my advantage.

It was obvious that he had some kind of issue that he was sheltering himself from something, something I never learned about in all the years we’d been together. But whatever it is, it had kept him isolated within himself so that he didn’t-hardly ever notice the other more suitable women around him.

I made sure and got pregnant not long after I talked my way into getting his ring on my finger, knowing that the second he came out from under whatever it was that had a hold on him that he’d be out the door faster than my head could spin.

I never fooled myself that he was in love with me, not the way a man should love his lover, but there was a kind of warm acceptance there, and I loved him enough for both of us. I always thought that was enough, especially after the twins were born.