“I’m pretty sure I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. What do I have to answer for? Loving a dimwit like you?” Oh, my word, is it really possible to be this giddy? Am I too easy? But what can I do? He’s owned my heart for most of my life, and that’s never going to change, believe me, I tried.

But now that he’s remembered, I find that I don’t want to let him off that easy. I want the whole package. I’m pretty sure he’s not in love with me…yet, but I know if I play my cards right, it would only be a matter of time. And now that I have him where I want him…wait a second.

“Hey, why are your hands on me? Don’t you still have a wife?” The Derrick I know would’ve taken care of that already, but he hasn’t exactly been acting like the Derrick I knew when I was a child. I felt his lips on my neck, and my knees started to buckle.

“I got a divorce, now sit your ass down, we need to talk.”

“Can’t, I’ve got homework, see you in a bit.” I ran for the door and made my escape without even looking back. I didn’t start laughing like a loon until I was in my room with the door closed and laying across my bed with a pillow pulled over my face to hide my laughter.


What the hell just happened? What was that? Who was that? I didn’t know if to laugh or be pissed. I didn’t get to do half the shit I wanted to. I didn’t get to hear an explanation for why she’d behaved the way she had since coming back into my life.

I’m a little confused because the girl who just flounced out my door is neither the little shit that used to follow me around nor the other one that I’d met upon my return. Who the hell is she? And how can she change on a dime like that?

Or is that the real Jenny? Feisty and straightforward, Jenny. I like that Jenny best of all… I think. She seems to think she has the upper hand; that she can call the shots. ‘I’ll see you in a bit?’ We’ll see about that.

I picked up the phone and called her. “I’m taking the girls to get their picture taken with Santa, get your ass back over her.” I hung up the phone grinning and feeling lighter than I think I have in years.


I know she’s not playing games with me. Half an hour later and she still hasn’t shown up. “Alright, girls, let’s go get her.” My two little ones were already bundled up sitting in their car-seat inserts just waiting to be strapped in. I’d done my research and found that the Mercedes G-series jeeps were about the safest things in the road.

I bought one outright as a finally free gift and a fuck you to Lauren wherever she was. I packed the girls up in the car and headed over to my pain in the ass’s house to get her. Up until now, little Ms. Thing had been the one in the driver’s seat.

She was the one who remembered our shared history and that one night we spent together, when I forgot, fine, I owe her one. But I’ve already done my stint as asshole of the decade, and that shit is dead.

She wanted me; she’s going to get me, but on my terms. She’s the lucky one who’s going to get to see the real Derrick Masters. Her little ass just might have bitten off more than she can chew.

I didn’t miss the way she went up in flames for me, or the way she passed out from over excitement. I’d have to be made of marble if that shit didn’t get to me. If it didn’t stir something inside me to be loved that much, wanted that much by someone who’s ten times better than the one I had.

Yeah, the gloves are off, she’s a fucking babe. And one of the reasons I didn’t go near her until now is because I wanted to make sure that I was ready for more. I’ve already taken enough from her, already bruised her little heart enough. I wasn’t about to go anywhere near her unless I was sure of what I was bringing to the table.

So the fact that she’s hot and that I keep dreaming of that night when I was inside her when she let me take her had to take a backseat because that was all about me. I must be the only asshole in the world who wouldn’t jump on that. But I couldn’t see myself doing that to her.

Now she’d gone and added something new to the game. I thought I was dealing with a little mouse that was afraid of her own damn shadow, but the little shit has teeth. And what’s more, she’s not afraid to use them on me.