“Well alright, give me a few to get washed up, the girls threw up all over me.” He pulled his shirt with the milk stains away from his chest with a grin. He loves our girls, maybe I’m being paranoid, maybe there’s nothing at all going on, and it’s like he said, all in the past and innocent to boot.
I shook my head as he disappeared down the hall to use the guest bath while I headed into the master bathroom. No, I’m not wrong, that little bitch isn’t fooling me. I know she still wants him; how could she not? He’s gorgeous like she is. I felt the hate pool and settle in my gut as I turned on the hot water to take my first shower in days.
I was surprised when Jenny showed up at the door. I don’t know why I thought it would be the Cummings woman, and when I turned to look at Lauren quizzically, I was further baffled by the look in her eye. I’d convinced myself that she was over this mess.
Ever since I’d caught her cyberstalking and had put a stop to it, she’d made it seem like she was over whatever it is that had been bothering her. She’d even finally taken the maternity leave that she’d refused in the beginning, which had made me very happy.
I played around with the idea earlier that she might’ve been dealing with postpartum, but had later squashed the idea. I wasn’t kidding when I said my girls were my everything, so long before they even came into this world to meet me, I’d read everything I could get my hands on about their care and their mother’s.
I knew that that’s not what the problem was because she’d been fine all those months after giving birth. Even after that first bout of jealousy after Jenny had first shown up for the interview, Lauren hadn’t been this erratic.
Now she stood there with this unholy gleam in her eye as she took in the young girl who’d just shown up. I found myself wanting to protect Jenny, wanting to stand in front of her, between her and my wife but knew that was the wrong move.
“Oh, Jenny, you’re here, perfect. Come on up, let me show you something in the nursery. Emma’s been acting a bit fussy again; I think she may be teething, so I need to show you where everything is.” The voice sounded like hers, but there was something not quite right going on here.
I made as if to stop Jenny from following her, but she gave me this look as if to say don’t interfere. I was nervous as hell watching the two of them disappear up the stairs, and then I remembered the nanny cams.
I started to grab my phone then realized there was nothing stopping me from following them up. That way, I can keep an eye on the two of them and say one last goodbye to my girls. But as I reached the top of the stairs, I heard voices coming from the master bedroom and not the nursery.
“What the hell are they doing in there?” I asked myself softly before walking up to the door and pushing it open slightly. “Pick them up, I said. I’m paying you to be here. When you’re in my house, you’re not the little princess; you’re my servant.”
I looked down at the floor where Lauren was pointing to a pair of panties that looked like they’d been worn and just dropped there. They hadn’t been there an hour ago when I was up here. “What the hell is going on in here?”
They both turned to the door, Lauren with a start and Jenny with that same disinterested look on her face. I remember that that’s how she used to be, that she could sit for hours not saying anything, just watching me run back and forth after the ball when I played hoops.
“This has nothing to do with you Derrick, wait for me downstairs.” I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists as I walked further into the room. “Go check on the babies, Jenny; I need to have a moment with my wife.”
She must be the calmest teenager on the planet; she just turned and walked away. I wonder if she would’ve picked them up. Somehow I don’t think so; I remember too that she had a stubborn streak a mile wide.
I turned my attention back to Lauren after Jenny closed the door behind her and left. “What the fuck are you doing? That’s not her job.” I looked down at the underwear and realized I’d taken them off of her a few days ago the last time we had sex.
Leaning down to pick them up, they looked and smelt like she’d wiped herself with them. The look on my face must’ve been one of horror because she took a step back, and that bottom lip started trembling again. I shook my head in disbelief and threw them at her.