I know my wife has a problem with jealousy, but this was getting out of control. “Lauren, she was a kid, I haven’t seen or heard from her since I left home for college get real here.” She had that mutinous look on her face that she gets when she’s upset about something and is about to dig her feet in.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed when she reached over and grabbed my cock through my slacks before wrestling with the zipper. In less than ten seconds, she had my cock in her mouth, and I got my first blowjob in a very long time. She even swallowed.


I spent the evening restraining myself from going through their drawers just to catch a glimpse into his life. Ten minutes after they left, I knew it was a bad idea me being here, and it only took that long because I’d been distracted by one of the twins fussing in her crib.

As I patted the little one’s back to get her settled before she woke her sister, my mind wandered as I looked around the room. It hit me all of a sudden that these two were the result of Derrick’s love for someone else.

For me, there’s no stronger sign of ownership and togetherness than sharing a child, and they shared two. My mind, of course, went to the act of how he’d gotten her pregnant.

I could envision the two of them wrapped around each other on the California king-sized bed I’d seen when I passed the master bedroom on my way to the nursery.

When I walked back downstairs after getting the baby settled, I felt almost suffocated. There were little pieces of her, Lauren, scattered all over the place. It reminded me of the night she’d kissed him in front of me. To a normal teenager, it would’ve seemed like a power play, or a show of love between a married couple, to me, it smacked of weakness and insecurity.

That’s the trouble with giving your heart away at a very young age. You have more time on your hands to invest in your studies. And since you have no interest in dating anyone else, you spend every free moment sucking up knowledge like a sponge until you become a walking encyclopedia.

Since my interest was psychiatry, I’d made a habit of studying the human psyche and had become pretty good at it. That’s why I was able to see the signs in her. It wasn’t just me; it wouldn’t have mattered who I was. Any young girl that she thought was passably pretty would be seen as a threat.

I realized that to be fair, I should stay away. She hadn’t knowingly set out to harm me. It’s not her fault that she’d married the man who held my heart in his hands. And blaming him left me feeling cold and empty. It’s a vicious cycle for sure, and in the end, I was the only one responsible for all that I was feeling right now.

As I sat in the dark living room with just the table lamp on giving off just enough light for me to see to read the novel I’d brought along with me, I fought back tears. Is this it? Is this why I needed to come back here one last time? Is this the closure I needed? Somehow I don’t think so.

I heard the powerful engine of the car as it pulled into the driveway and started gathering my things. I didn’t want to spend any more time than was necessary here with them in the house they shared.

He seemed a bit surprised when I met them at the door, and that look he gave me lasted a little longer than was necessary. I didn’t look away, but there was no expression on my face either. In the end, it was he who looked away first, as he seemed to be holding up his inebriated wife.

She gave me a look that I didn’t quite understand. There was a hint of aggression there and a faint bit of fascination. What had she learned? “So, Jenny, I hear you had the hots for my husband.” I didn’t even blink just looked at her with the most disinterested look I could muster.

I’d heard from some of the guys at school that had tried picking me up that that particular look can make a person feel smaller than they really are. He shushed her and turned to me with an apology.

“Sorry about that, she’s had a bit too much to drink, here.” He reached for his wallet and peeled off five twenty dollar bills and passed them to me with another apology. “So sorry about that.”

“The twins stayed down most of the night. Emma fussed for a little while when you first left, but I got her to go back down without having to take her out of the crib. I guess they’ll be up soon for a feeding since they didn’t have one while I was here.”