Page 3 of Dangerous Secrets

"Oh definitely.” Mom’s eyes narrow, no doubt remembering how Tina went out of her way to track my mom down and befriend her, all while she was having an affair with my dad. Tina pleads innocent all the time, when in fact she's a snake. “So tell me what's not sitting right?" That's my mom. She hates the woman, but yet she doesn't take the time to diss her.

"There's only a couple of people that knew about me and Mia. You, Dad, Tina, Martin, Barney, Lacey, Sarah and Jagger. There's no way anyone else could have known. Lacey's missing too so I'm taking her off the list. Sarah and the girls are like sisters, there's no way she has any part in this. So that leaves Dad, Tina, Martin, Barney, and Jagger."

Mum's eyes widen. "You never said me."

I laugh. "Do you really think I'd be sitting here talking to you about this if I thought it was you?"

She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"What I don't understand is how they knew that Mia was going to be at her parent's old house?"

Mom frowns. "What?"

"Mia was staying at Dad's and Tina's. No one knew that she was planning on coming to Oakland... She left when Tina to

ld her everything about me. It wasn't planned, so how did they know she'd be there? That's what I can't get my head around. How did they know she was going to be there? When I find that out, I'll be able to find out who has her.” Right now though, my focus is on finding Juan. Once I’ve found him, my next job is finding Carina. Even if they don't know where Mia is, it gives me a chance to get them out of my fucking life. I don't trust them and that means they have to go. I wish I could do the same with Tina.

Mom's jaw clenches, now I know where I get it from. "I know why your gut's screaming. This smells like an inside job."

I nod, she now knows everything and she’s jumped to the same conclusion I have. "The question I have is who's done it? Is it a known enemy or one that’s yet to make their presence known?”

Mum shakes her head, tears swimming in her eyes again. "I wish I could tell you that it's all in your head, that none of your men will ever betray you. The truth is Hudson, people want money and power and they'd do anything to get it. You have to think, who is desperate enough for the power that comes with bringing you down?” This is why I came to my mom. I value her perspective, she thinks logically.

I’m silent because the truth is that any of them could have done it.

“Do you think your dad has a hand in this?” Her voice is soft as if she’s testing the waters.

“Honestly, he has the motive, but do I think he did it? No I don’t.”

“What about Jagger?” This time her voice is a little more confident.

My hands ball into fists at the thought of Jagger doing this. “He has too much to lose to do this.”

Mom doesn’t look convinced. “I’ve seen greater men fall. The real question is what are they getting out of doing this. Yes, they get the big acknowledgment that they made the big Hudson Brady fall. That takes a lot of balls. You don’t just go up against your boss, up against a man who has proved his worth and take his woman. All that's going to get you is the death penalty, so why risk it?" It makes so much sense and yet it's just giving me more questions.

I have a lot to think about, the one thing I do know is I cannot trust anyone. Not yet; not until they prove themselves to me. I stand and Mom follows me, I feel guilty that I haven't visited her much. "Thanks Mom, I'm sorry for being an ass."

She smiles. "Since you've found love, Hudson, I've realized something. Your Dad doesn't define me, you are the reason I am here. You're the reason I wake up in the morning. I love you and I will do anything to protect you. I'm sorry that I've been a bad mom. I promise I will make it up to you and from now on you come first."

I shake my head. "No Mom, it's about time you put yourself first."

She smiles and nods as she places a kiss on my cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too, Mom, I'll call you later" I promise her and walk to Mia’s car. There’s so much to do and little time to do it.



"Mia, Mia?" Why is Lacey crying?

Opening my eyes, pain blasts through my head making me cry out in pain, I quickly close them again.

"Mia, are you okay?" she asks and I hear metal clinking. "Mia, will you please answer me?"

I open my eyes once again, the pain not as blinding as the last time. "I'm..." my voice is hoarse. Blinking, I glance around the room. For some reason I'm lying down. The dirty, off white walls are bare and the only light is coming from a tiny window. Looking over to Lacey, I see she's sitting on a dirty old mattress, there's blood just above her right eye. Licking my lips, I wince at the feeling of my cracked lips, along with the metallic taste of blood. "I'm okay, where are we?"

She shakes her head. "I have no idea." The terror in her voice is clear to hear and it makes me wonder what my voice sounds like. Do I sound just as terrified?