Page 49 of Hot Wolves

“Do you expect the enemy to warn you before they attack? Do you expect them to fight fair?” I had her pinned where she stood, my voice a snarl. “Do you expect them to play nice, because, trust me, that’s not going to happen. They’ll take everything from you and they won’t think twice about doing it. They’ll rip that baby right out of you. Why? Because they are sick and twisted, that’s why. And all I’m trying to do is protect you from that but it seems to me like you just don’t get it.”

She blinked and the tears came rolling down her cheeks.

“Jane?” I whispered, feeling like I had just been slapped in the face. Stepping back, I gave her the space she needed to run away from me and that’s exactly what she did.

“You were too harsh with her,” came Roman’s voice. “You must remember that she is pregnant and she is battling a whole slew of different emotions. I cannot imagine that it is helpful to have you yelling at her.”

“I was just trying to help her — to protect her…” I didn’t know what to think because I had never stopped to think that maybe I was doing more harm than good. “I need to talk to her.”

“I wouldn’t. Give her some space. I am sure she will come around when the time is right.”


I slept alone that night. Or rather, I attempted to sleep alone but that nightly bliss never came my way. I was left staring at the night sky.

The stars twinkled with their usual brightness as if mocking me and my mistakes.

I never should have spoken to my mate in such a way, I thought to myself. She deserves better than that.

“Landon?” I had been so caught up in my own thoughts that I hadn’t heard her approach. But as soon as I heard that voice, I knew it was her.

“What is it?” I asked, trying to keep my voice neutral.

“I wanted to apologize.”

“Apologize?” I turned to look at her but she was already sitting down.

“No, no,” I protested. “The ground is cold. Here.” I gave up the pelt I had been using as a bed.

“Maybe we could share?” she suggested.

“I’d like that.” It was a tight squeeze but we managed. Shoulder to shoulder, we sat there for a while. I waited for her to say something but that something never came, so I was the one to finally break the ice. “Why did you come out here? Did Roman put you up to it?”

“Roman is fast asleep,” she answered. “He doesn’t know that I’m here with you.”

I raised an eyebrow, trying to comprehend the situation.

“I want to continue our training.”

“If it makes you uncomfortable —”

“Of course it makes me uncomfortable to have you screaming in my face and pushing me around but I realize that it is a necessary evil that will prepare me for the future. The wolves that killed our pack are still out there, it is our duty to avenge those that have fallen.” It was like she had taken a page right out of my agenda. “And I want to be a part of it when it finally happens.”

“You know I would never ask you to put yourself in danger like that.”

“I know,” she said, as she took my hand and placed it over her heart. “But it is not your decision to make — it’s mine.”

“So, you’re sure about this? You realize that it will be grueling and that I will not be easy on you?”

“I understand. And I just want you to know that I am not going down without a fight!”

“That’s what I like to hear!” I responded with a grin. “How about we start right now?”

“No time like the present.” She was up and on her feet before I could even offer her a hand of assistance. A second later, she was lunging my way in what seemed to be some sort of surprise attack. It was easy enough to dodge but she was quick with the rebound.

“Looks like someone means business.”

“Always,” she grinned, throwing a punch.