Page 27 of Hot Wolves

“What I mean, is that she should be able to handle herself. She’s smart. I doubt she’ll get herself into too much trouble. Besides, if we nip this problem in the bud, then everyone will be much safer for it, including her, because the second they find out that she’s ours, they are going to use that against us.”

I nodded in agreement and we went our separate ways. I entered through the front, while he attempted the V.I.P. entrance in the back. He was much better at playing a part than I ever was, so I left all the acting in his capable hands. I knew he would have no trouble charming his way into the place.

Inside, I was instantly made uncomfortable by the number of bodies packed together in such a small amount of space. The air was hot and sticky, and incredibly difficult to breathe. How could anyone enjoy themselves in an environment so claustrophobic?

Focus, I told myself, as I weaved through the dance floor.

“Why, hello there, handsome!” a redhead purred, as she grabbed me by the collar and started to grind her body against mine. She was wearing a mini skirt that was so short I could see her underwear. I tried not to look but the brightness of it was like a magnet for my eyes.

It wasn’t lust but disgust. How could any woman allow herself to act this way? Not to mention the state of vulnerability she was putting herself in. She didn’t know who I was or what I was capable of doing to her and, yet, she was all over me.

“Roman, what do I do?”

“What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into already? We only just started.”

“I got trapped on the dance floor.” As I asked Roman for advice, I tried to distance myself from the redhead but she was persistent.

“What’s the matter, big boy? I don’t bite… very hard.”

“Just tell her that you play for a different team.”

“Are you telling me that I should tell her that I’m homosexual?”

“You want to get out of there, don’t you? You’ll never get her to leave you alone otherwise. Trust me, I’ve used that line a thousand times and it always works.”

“Are you sure —”


It went against my better judgment, but I decided to trust Roman and what he had told me to do. After all, he was much more familiar with this kind of scene, than I could ever hope to be.

The woman saddled up really close, her chest pressed to mine. “What do you say you take me home and we can have some fun tonight?” Again, she used that low, sensual voice of hers that was meant to reel me in but, in truth, it was just pushing me further and further away.

“I’m sorry but I play for a different team,” I said, trying to make it sound natural but I could tell that my tone wasn’t the right one.

Nevertheless, she recoiled like my skin was suddenly covered in acid. “Are you being serious?”


She cursed under her breath. “It’s always the handsome ones…” she grumbled.

Somehow, Roman’s advice had actually panned out. Usually, that was a rare occurrence.

“So, how did she take it?”

“She walked away.”

“See. What did I tell you? It works like a charm.”

“It seems deceitful.”

“You’ll never see that woman again. Don’t worry about it. Besides, we have Jane and as long as she knows that we’re straight, then we’re golden.”

“Right,” I agreed.

With the crisis averted, I continued forward and walked the perimeter, trying to locate anything that might serve to our benefit but as far as I could tell, it seemed a normal enough night club, save for the fact that there were shifters all over the place. They were easy to spot, either from the tribal tattoos that they wore, the color of their eyes, or their particular scent.

I was cautious about keeping my distance because I didn’t want any of them to discover my true intentions. That would spell trouble for both Roman and me, and, tonight, that was something we were trying to avoid, unless, of course, we came upon the leader, in which case, I was ready to tear him limb to limb and make him suffer for what he did to my pack.