Page 74 of Hot Wolves

“That sounds pretty good right about now. I’m famished.” Jane got up and headed for the door. But before she could make it, she stopped suddenly with her hand pressed against her stomach.

Her eyes widened and, instantly, I knew that something was happening. The sound of trickling water reached my ears and when I looked down, there was a puddle at her feet.

“It’s happening!” she said, as she held on to Roman for support. “The baby is coming!”

Cynthia came flying into the room. “Quick! We must get her into the nursery.” Roman immediately scooped her up and started running up the stairs to the top floor. No one bothered to wait for me but, then again, I didn’t expect them to. Jane’s well-being was above everything else.

Getting out of bed proved much more difficult than I thought it would. My wounds were still fresh and, as I moved, it felt like they were pulling apart. Every stitch that Cynthia had put into place was coming undone. She would kill me but there was no way in hell that I was about to miss the birth of my own son.

I gritted my teeth together and held the wall until my legs stopped their wobbling. Even after they had stabilized, they still felt like two-ton weights that I had to drag across the floor. Just getting to the door was enough to make me want to pass out.

“Breathe,” I reminded myself as I started for the stairs. Time felt like it was dragging. I could hear Jane screaming. What was happening? Was everything going according to plan or had something gone awry? I couldn’t stop myself from thinking the worst.

Despite the pain pulsating through every inch of my body, I continued up those stairs until I reached the very top. I was so close to my destination and, yet, it still felt so far away.

Blood was soaking through the bandages that Cynthia had just replaced that very afternoon. It felt like someone was sawing me right in two.

“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath as the pain threatened to overwhelm me. This is what I got for denying Cynthia’s pain-numbing herbs and thinking I was strong enough to overcome it on my own.

By some miracle, I reached the nursery. It was quiet on the other side and that was not comforting to hear. My heart seemed to stop, as I prepared myself for what might be waiting for me.

The door hinges creaked, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.

I stepped inside and what I saw was the happiest sight a father could ever hope for. On the bed was my beautiful mate and in her arms was our new baby boy.

“Come on, Landon, you have to see this little guy.” Roman helped me to the bedside. “He’s got your stern expression but my rocking hair.”

“And his mother’s eyes…” I said, as I reached out to touch him. In many ways, it felt like I was caught up in a dream.

“Are you crying?” asked Jane.

“Not a chance.” I blinked to keep any tears that threatened to escape at bay. “Alphas do not cry.”

“You’re totally crying.” Roman elbowed my side. “I never thought that I would see the day.”

“Ow!” I growled.


“Are you okay?” Jane looked me over with a look of genuine concern.

“I’m fine,” I answered through gritted teeth. “Just fine.”

“Maybe you should rest up a bit.” Cynthia tried to pull me away but I clutched the sheets, refusing to budge. “You’ve been through a lot and you haven’t had the proper rest needed to heal. At this rate, you’re bound to catch a nasty infection.”

“Landon, maybe you should listen to her. You don’t look so good.”

“I’m fine,” I insisted. The world was starting to spin at my feet. Logic was telling me to listen but once a stubborn wolf, always a stubborn wolf. “I just want to hold my son.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” said Jane. “As I said, you don’t look so good. I think you should go lay down or something.”

“What part of ‘I’m fine’ don’t you understand.” There was a cold sweat dripping down my back and my lungs were so tight, it felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. “Please… I just want to hold him.” My tongue was as rough as sandpaper, making each word painful to pronounce. “Please, Jane, it is my right as his father.”

She frowned but after a moment’s hesitation, she gave in to my request and handed over the little bundle of blankets. The pup was everything I had hoped he would be. His cheeks were rosy and full of health. Already, I could imagine him as a l

eader — as the man to take my place, to make me proud by following in my footsteps.

“Did we ever agree on a name?” I asked, as I ran my fingertips along his soft wisps of hair.