Page 60 of Hot Wolves


My mates would see the birth of their child and I’d be damned if it was any other way.

The earth gave way underneath my claws as I followed my instincts, using them as a built-in GPS that would lead me straight to my partners. Only, that connection seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. What was happening and why did I feel this way?

“Please,” I begged. “Answer me. I need to know that you’re still alive.”

I was barely thinking. The forest was an afterthought.

Somehow, I wound up at the bunker where we had spent our first night together. Their scent was strong but there was something else in the air. It was like a batch of eggs had been left to rot in the baking sun. It made me sneeze. That sneeze had me back in my human form.

And that’s when it happened.

A net went over my head. I tried to fight it but a strange electrical pulse was powered through the fibers and as soon as I made contact, it was lights out for me.

In the growing darkness, I saw unfamiliar faces. They sneered and they laughed at my misery. I tried to cuss them out but my mouth was no longer functional. My body fell into someone’s arms as nothing more than dead weight.

The electricity continued to buzz in my ears.

Fight, I urged myself with every little bit of strength I had but it was no use. I had played right into the hands of the enemy…

Chapter 23: Roman

A few hours earlier.

“Let me take the lead,” said Landon.

“Are you sure about that? You’ve never been very good at stealth. It might be better for me to go first.”

“No.” Landon was about to pick the lock but I caught him by the wrist.

“I am not going to let your Alpha nature ruin this. You aren’t the man for this job. I am. So, let me play my part and when the time comes, you can play yours.”

I had never seen Landon look at me the way he did at that moment. I swear, his eyes were about to bug right out of his head.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to injure your ego but this is critical to our survival. One mistake and we get slaughtered without a second thought. And I don’t know about you but we made a promise to Jane that we’d return to her and our pup and I intend to keep that promise, no matter the cost — even if it means standing up to my superior.”

Landon didn’t answer me. Instead, he stepped out of the way and allowed me the freedom to proceed. It was good to know that I could stand up to the most powerful man that I knew.

Carefully, I started to work the tumblers on the door. I didn’t know whether it was the silence of the alleyway or whether the door was exceptionally loud but each move I made sounded like it had been shot by a canon. The beating of my heart was another cacophony that was sure to alert the rival gang to our arrival.

Sweat gathered upon my upper lip.

“Come on,” I whispered under my breath, waiting for that telltale click. My fingers were shaking and it was hard to steady my nerves when I knew that everything was on the line.

Jane, I thought. Do it for Jane.

Finally, the lock came undone. While still holding my tongue, I turned the knob. Landon was right beside me, ready to combat whatever was behind that door.

I tensed up, expecting an army, but in its stead we got… nothing.

The night club was empty. There wasn’t a living soul under that roof.

Landon and I exchanged a look of complete disbelief. “How could we be so stupid…?” I whispered as it dawned on me. “No music. If they were here, this place would be packed.”

“What does this mean?” asked Landon. “Have they moved on to another territory.”

“No. This is prime hunting ground. They wouldn’t give this up without a fight.”