Page 59 of Hot Wolves

“How am I supposed to stay here while you two go on a suicide mission?”

He cupped my face. “You’ll just have to trust that we love you enough to want to see your pretty face one more time.”

I didn’t like the idea but I knew that there was no sense in trying to argue with the man. “But if you two manage to get yourselves killed, I will never forgive you.”

“Then I guess we just won’t get ourselves killed yet.” Leave it to Roman to try and make light of the situation. There was even a smile on his face but it did little to cheer me up.

Already, my mind was conjuring up the worst. This was a bad idea — a very bad idea.

“Please, be careful,” I begged. “Because I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t,” promised Roman. “We’ll be coming back.”


Cynthia’s treehouse was making me crazy. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. Unable

to stand it any longer, I made my way towards the door but I was intercepted by the shaman. “Where do you think you’re going?” She looked and sounded like an overbearing mother. I had half a mind just to barrel right through her.

“I need some fresh air.”

She shook her head. “I’m afraid that I cannot let you leave.”

“It’ll just be a minute. I won’t run away, I promise.” As I spoke, I had my fingers crossed behind my back. “I just need to clear my head. It’s so stuffy in here.”

“This tree is the purest air you could ever breathe. If you intend to lie, then I suggest you make it at least halfway believable.”

“So, what, you’re just going to babysit me until the boys come back? We have no idea when that will be.”

“You’re right, we don’t,” Cynthia confirmed my worst nightmare — she was going to keep me trapped in her home.

“Please. All I need is a minute. Are you really going to deny a pregnant woman?”

“I’m not going to allow you to do anything that will put you in harm’s way. Landon entrusted me with your safety and I take that responsibility rather seriously.”

“Too seriously,” I muttered under my breath. “You might want to consider giving up being a shaman and apply as a prison warden.”

“I’ve thought about it,” she countered.

Seeing that the conversation was getting me nowhere, I returned to the nursery. The bright colors and cute decorations did nothing to soothe my worries. I could sense that something was wrong. Maybe Landon had gotten himself hurt or Roman had bit off more than he could chew. They were risking their lives and here I was, lounging around. It just wasn’t right.

Suddenly, a stab of pain pierced through my chest like someone had taken a dagger to it. I doubled over, finding it hard to fill my lungs with air. My stomach tightened with a contraction like the pup was about ready to come leaping out of my stomach.

A silent scream had my lips locked in an ‘o’ shape. A cold sweat covered every inch of my body.

“Jane!” their voices came crashing into my head as a plea for help. There was no way in hell I could ignore such a thing. Without thinking, I made my transformation and went straight for the window. In my head, I understood that it was several stories from the ground but with adrenaline coursing through my veins, logic had been thrown aside.

Glass tore through my skin but I couldn’t feel the pain. The adrenaline was still pumping.

Outside, the air felt fresh and crisp. It slowed down time and gave me the opportunity to plan my next move.

I reached out and grabbed a thick branch. My shoulders felt like they were going to pop but I managed to hold on.

“Jane!” Cynthia called my name from the broken window but there was no way I was going to stop. I allowed myself to drop to the branch below. It was a hard landing but it was a landing all the same.

“Guys, talk to me!” I pleaded through our headspace but there was no response.

My heart tightened. Was it already too late?