Page 52 of Hot Wolves

My throat burned and my head throbbed with an on coming migraine.

When I had imagined myself starting a family one day, I had conveniently left out the part of pregnancy pains because I didn’t want to acknowledge that they existed. But they do and they totally blow.

A hand made its way onto my back, rubbing it in a small circular motion. At first, I thought it was one of the boys but there was no tingling sensation that was always associated with their touch. This was someone else entirely.

I shoved them away and positioned myself in a defensive stance. Was this another one of Landon’s little tests? Or was this a real threat? Either way, I was ready for it. I had my fists in front of my face before I even dared to look at who stood before me.

“Whoa…” I whispered, floored. I had finally set my eyes upon the stranger and she was stunning. She looked like a character plucked right out of a fairytale, with her long white-blonde hair and her piercing blue eyes. Everything about her was delicate and fairy-like.

“Cynthia…” Landon’s voice reached a higher pitch than usual.

My heart dropped. So, this was the woman he had told me about. I had promised myself that I would not allow jealousy to plague our relationship but you really cannot blame me for feeling self-conscious in front of such a goddess. I didn’t even think it was humanly possible to be that pretty. And to top it all off, she had a heavenly glow that radiated from her skin.

“Why did Landon choose me, when he could ha

ve had that?” I asked, trying to direct my question at Roman.

“Because she is not his mate,” he answered in a simple matter-of-fact tone. “He was always meant to be with you.”

“So, what would have happened if you guys hadn’t saved me from drowning?”

“We would have met you in some other fashion. Mates always find each other, one way or another.”

“So… it’s destiny.”

“If you want to think about it that way, yes.”

Butterflies swarmed my heart at the sound of his words. The sickness I had felt, at realizing that this was Landon’s old lover, instantly dissipated. I had nothing to worry about with this woman. Perhaps she had a history with my man but that’s all it was — history. He was mine now and there was nothing that could ever tear us apart.

“Well, Landon, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Cynthia stepped forward, hand outstretched. “It is a pleasure,” she said, her voice like a symphony. “I didn’t know that the boys had found themselves a mate.”

Roman wrapped his arms around me. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Very,” the woman agreed. “I came here after sensing the death of one of the forest’s oldest stags but I see now that his sacrifice will not be wasted.”

“So, are you a forest spirit?” I blurted out. It was only after I said those words, that I realized just how rude I had been. “I’m sorry —”

“No, no, it’s quite alright,” she interjected, before I could apologize. “I can understand how my appearance might seem strange to someone of your kind.” The wind whipped around her feet, swirling the white fabric of her dress. She looked like she was about to levitate off the ground and ascend into the clouds above. “But I am not a forest spirit. I am a shifter, just as the boys are. However, I left my pack a long, long time ago and embraced instead the wonders of the forest. You might consider me a warden of this land, protecting it against all evils.”

“I see…” She was starting to sound a little crazy but I could not help but like her. “Landon tells me that you might be able to help with my pregnancy.”

Her eyes became beacons of light before she rushed to my side and rested her ear against my womb. “It is true!” she exclaimed. “She carries your child! The stars foretold such an event but I had harbored my doubts.”


She frowned. “Did they not tell you?”

“She knows,” said Landon. “We found her after the massacre and she survived the transformation.”


Landon and Roman exchanged a look of guilt.

“Tell me.”

Landon took the nonchalant approach while Roman busied himself with gutting the deer.