Page 18 of Hot Wolves

“Pepperoni, I guess.”

“Great. We’ll be there around seven tonight. How does that sound?”

“I can’t wait.” There was little enthusiasm in her voice.

“It doesn’t sound like she wants to do this. Maybe we should back off,” I said to Roman. “I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.”

“She’s just giving us a hard time because we look like we just rolled out of the swamp. Once we get properly fixed up, she won’t be able to say anything but ‘yes.’ Just you wait and see.”

“Uh… and here.” She reached underneath the table and handed over some brightly packaged snacks. “They’re complementary.”

“Are you sure?” Roman asked. “If you need us to pay for them, we can.”

“No. I’m allowed to give them to one person per day, so you guys are just going to have to share but I don’t think that’ll be a problem considering your… relationship.”

“She still thinks we are lovers?” I asked.

“Yes. We’re going to have to change her mind on that one. I don’t want her thinking that I sleep with you.”


I took the snacks off the table and followed Roman towards the elevators. Before walking inside, I looked back and saw that Jane was staring in our direction. Our eyes locked together and the whole world seemed to halt. All I could see was her and the beauty that radiated all around her. I smiled, my heart warming, where before it had been nothing more than an icy cavern.

You will be mine, I thought to myself, before Roman dragged me into the elevator and the door closed behind us. You will be mine.

Chapter 7: Roman

While Landon was taking a shower, I took it upon myself to find us some clothes. After all, I doubted whether Landon would get very far if he strutted around the city shirtless. Either some horny girls would jump him or a police officer would end up arresting him for public indecency. And while it was a funny thought to imagine Landon in the back of a cruiser, I really didn’t want to deal with the repercussions.

So, I hopped into the elevator and rode down to the lobby. Jane was leaving the front desk, lunch box in hand. I followed her outside, where she took a seat on a little wooden picnic table. I cleared my throat in order to grab her attention. She nearly jumped right out of her skin. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Jeez, don’t sneak up on me like that, then!”

I sat down and glanced at her sandwich. “Peanut butter and jelly?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I can smell it.”

“You must have quite the sniffer.”

“I do. It’s all those wolf genes, you know?”

She shook her head. “When are you going to let that go? I know you’re not really a wolf. You’re just trying to prank me and, frankly, I don’t appreciate it.” Her irritation translated into an angry bite into her sandwich. She tore through the bread and ripped away part of the crust.

“Whoa there, killer.”

She laughed and licked a spot of peanut butter from her upper lip. Oh, what I wouldn’t have done to have been able to lick it for her.

“That’s right. You’d better watch out.” She fake growled, to prove her point.

“You know, you’d fit in pretty well in a wolf pack.”

“Well, that’s because…” She leaned forward like she was going to tell me a great big secret. “I’m a wolf too.”

I faked a gasp. “I had no idea!”

“Mhm. It’s true. Whenever there’s a full moon I turn into this beautiful white wolf and all the woodland creatures have to run for their lives.”