Page 15 of Hot Wolves

He grinned. “Awesome! You won’t regret it!”

At the sight of his manager, he booked it out of there. I smiled at the man and waited for him to leave before I got out of my seat, hoping for a better view out the front windows. Unfortunately, the sun glare was st

ill there.

“Damnit,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

I had half a mind to go out there and check but at the same time, my feet felt like they were welded to the ground. Even if I saw them again, what would I say to them?

Thanks for saving my life? Oh, and by the way, Landon, do your eyes have a habit of turning golden every once in a while? And Roman, I just wanted you to know that when you rummaged through my pantie drawer and pulled out my thong, I found it hot as hell, although, it would have been much hotter if you had taken that thong off my body yourself.

And just like that, my thoughts were getting carried away again. That was the thing about these guys — they had this effect on me and, honestly, I didn’t know what to do about it.

Did I try and find out who they really were or was I better off running for the hills?

Chapter 6: Landon

“Will you give it a rest already?” Roman was lounging on the river bed, clothes covered in mud. In all likelihood, I probably looked just as worse for wear but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I took a deep breath and dove under the water, hands searching endlessly for something that could not be found. When my lungs started to burn, I resurfaced and punched the water. “Where the fuck is it?”

“I know how much that medallion meant to you, Landon. But there’s not a chance in hell that we’re going to find that thing. If you really lost it while taking a bath that night, then the current has probably swept it into the ocean.” He got up and rested a hand on my shoulder. “I know this is not something that you want to hear but the medallion is gone to us now.”

“No.” My hands tightened into fists.

“The pack is gone too.”

“It is our duty to keep their memory alive.”

“And we will,” he promised. “But we don’t need a medallion to do it. We will forge ahead — get the revenge we deserve — and then we will rebuild the pack from the bottom up.”

I didn’t want to admit it but Roman was right. We couldn’t afford to get caught up in a piece of jewelry, whilst the murderers that had killed our family were running free. First and foremost, we needed to make them pay.

“Now, I don’t know about you, but I need a shower.”

“What’s wrong with bathing in the river as we normally do?”

“One word. Jane.”

“What about her?”

“We can ask to borrow her shower and then, who knows, things might escalate from there. After all, she definitely owes us one.”

“We will not get involved with the girl until we have eradicated the problem.”

“Oh, come on!” Roman threw his hands into the air. “How can you say that? You saw her. She was gorgeous. I don’t know about you but I can’t stay away from that. Even now, I can feel a magnetic tug. I need to be with her — we need to be with her — and you know it.”

“I know,” I conceded. “I feel it too but if we want to protect her from harm, then this is, just, something we need to do.”

“Our rivals know nothing about her. It doesn’t matter if we see her again. Besides, we are unfamiliar with this city and she is not. She might prove an asset to our search.”

Again, Roman had a point. It wasn’t every day that he made himself sound so compelling. “Fine. We will return to her home and ask if we can take a shower there but no more than that.”

“You’re no fun.”

“You’re lucky I’m agreeing to as much as that.”


But, when we arrived, Jane was not home.