Page 11 of Hot Wolves

Not only was Landon incredibly strong but there was something in the way he talked. It was like he was from another time.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, when our faces were suddenly inches apart. In order to reach the first aid kit, he had leaned forward. Doing so, he was pushing me back into the medicine cabinet and our faces were coming together much in the same way as my encounter with Roman out on the bench.

Again, my heart stuttered into a quicker pace as butterflies swirled around my stomach.

Why do I feel this way, when these guys are nothing but strangers to me? I asked myself, even as I leaned forward like someone aiming for their first kiss. It was like my lips were incomplete. I was simply searching for my other half but if that was the case, why did I feel so passionately about both of them.

“I’ll take over from here,” Roman interrupted, as he took the first aid kit and popped it open. “Alright, let’s see what we’re dealing with.”

With that, Landon started to unwrap his torn up shirt from around my leg. It stung, as he did so.

“Careful, some of the blood has already dried,” Roman said, slowing Landon’s progress. “We might be better off placing her under the shower.”

“I’m not getting in the shower with the two of you.” Yeah, maybe I thought these guys were hot but that didn’t mean I was about to give myself up to them all willy nilly. A girl has to have standards, you know? And besides, I didn’t think I’d be able to choose between the two of them.

“Well, if you’re worried about your modesty, you’re already in a wetsuit, so all you have to do is get under the water for us, get your leg wet, and then come back out. No nakedness needed, although I’d prefer it otherwise.”

Landon seemed to growl.

Wait. What? Normal men don’t growl.

“Or, we can moisten it with a wet towel,” suggested Landon.

“Or, we can do that but it’s not nearly as much fun as getting her underneath that shower head.” Roman winked in my direction and it made my insides melt. I know I said that I wouldn’t be able to choose between the two of them but Roman was making a pretty good case for himself. He had this Greaser vibe to him and I was totally digging it.

Landon already had the towel at the ready. With the utmost care, he pressed it against my leg.

I winced.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “But this must be done in order for us to tend to your leg.”

I nodded. “Right.” I braced myself against the sink as the rest of the makeshift bandage was peeled away. Underneath, my leg didn’t look half as bad as it felt.

“Damn,” Roman said, once he had gotten the chance to study the full extent of my injury. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

“Why? Is it that bad?”

“It’s pretty deep. I’d definitely have to put some stitches in this thing.”

“Stitches?” I repeated, turning pale. “Are you qualified to do that?”

“Technically, no, I’m not qualified. But, trust me, I’ve done my fair share of stitching in the past.”

I didn’t even want to think what it was that he meant like that. “As long as it saves me a trip to the hospital… do what you’ve got to do.”

“Why are you so adamant about avoiding the hospital?” asked Landon.

“Look, I don’t know about you but my health insurance is absolute trash. If you take me to the emergency room right now, I’ll be slapped with a bill that I can’t stomach.”

“Don’t worry, you’re in good hands,” Roman assured me and for some crazy reason, I believed him.

It wasn’t fun, let me tell you that, but after everything was said and done, I felt much better. The pain killer had gone into effect and I was starting to feel the drowsiness settle in. I was actually pretty grateful for the fact that Landon had carried me into the bedroom.

He eased me onto the mattress and Roman tucked me in.

“Thank you,” I said, as my eyelids grew heavy. I wanted to ask them what would happen next but sleep had already started to take its hold on me. I struggled to keep my eyes open.
