Page 10 of Hot Wolves

The magic spell melted away and I was left holding my bag, arm outstretched like some kind of idiot. Landon was no longer anywhere near me and his eyes were normal.

Did I just imagine that? I asked myself. No, his eyes were definitely golden, I responded to myself. I definitely saw that, no doubt about it.

But when I tried to replay the moment in my head, it came out all blurry.

“Jane?” Roman said my name and it snapped me out of whatever trance I had fallen into. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah. Fine. Everything’s fine.” I rummaged through my bag and tried to find my keys. Of course, they were hiding at the bottom and I had to fight with all the other junk in order to get to them. Finally, I emerged victorious and with them in my hand, I tried to get up from the swing. Doing so, I was greeted with an incredible amount of pain that pierced through both my legs. Gasping, I fell back into a seated position.

“Jane!” Both men said in unison, as they rushed to my sides. There was such concern painted on their faces, that I almost thought it was real but why would these strangers have any concern for a girl they only just met. Sure, maybe they were good people but very few of those actually exist and never

as a double whammy like this.

“I’m fine.”

“We need to tend to that leg of yours,” said Landon, as he slung my arm around his neck and supported me with his body.

Instantly, my heart rate started to quicken.

I tried not to focus on the fact that his handsome body was so close to mine. But do you know how hard that was when I could feel his every muscle? Seriously, this guy was built like a tank. I could only imagine what he would look like without his clothes on. Oh, that’s right, he wasn’t wearing a shirt…

My cheeks burned even harder.

Forget the washboard abs, Jane, I told myself, and just open the door.

I don’t know how I managed it but somehow, I got the entryway door open. As always, it creaked as it swung back. I hated that sound. It always had a way of raising the hair on the back of my neck.

Landon tightened his hold, almost like he was trying to comfort me and, truth be told, the heebie-jeebies faded away much quicker than they usually did. With this new state of calm washing over me, I opened my apartment door.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a mess. If these two had rescued me the day before laundry day instead of after, this place would have looked like a tornado had torn through it.

“Do you happen to have a first aid kit?” asked Landon. He seemed like the kind of guy who was all business all the time.

“Uh… in the bathroom.”

“And where might that be?”

“Through there.” I pointed to the correct door.

He nodded his head and helped me there. Once we were inside, he stopped and grabbed me by the hips. A second later, I was hoisted off the ground and planted on the sink. He had lifted me like I weighed nothing at all and I’m by no means a twig. I understood that this guy was fit but this was something else entirely. He was almost… inhuman.

I didn’t have very long to dwell on that thought before I discovered Roman rummaging through my pantie drawer and, yes, I kept them in the bathroom so I didn’t have to run around my apartment stark naked.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“What is this?” he asked, holding up a bright red thong. “Someone’s naughty —”

He was going to say something else but Landon smacked him up aside the head.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“Jeez.” Roman rubbed the site of injury. “I was just making an observation. Kill me for being curious why don’t you?” he grumbled.

Landon ignored his friend. “Mind telling me where we’ll find the first aid kit, so that we don’t have to keep rummaging around your personal belongings?”

“Behind me. Top shelf,” I said. “It’s a bright red box with a big ‘ol cross in the middle. You can’t miss it.”

He nodded. “Alright.”