“No, Goose, he was new to the area and needed directions,” I lied smoothly, turning to see Lenny was gone, a twenty on the table.
Who was Lenny, and why was he here? So I thought as I got ready to leave, seeing my relief waitress Aubrey enter the front door.
I HAD TOget out of there before I did something stupid.Like, confront the asshole who yelled at Brooke. I don’t even know why I hung around as long as I did. I only needed to ensure she was okay and follow her home. I didn’t have to try to talk to her.
But for some reason, I wanted to know more about Brooke.
And I called her crystal eyes. What was I thinking? Way to go, Stonewall; no wonder she thought you wanted to fuck her. I didn’t lie when I told her I don’t make a habit of sleeping with women I just met. I rarely ever strayed away from the women at the club. They were safe, with no strings, and I didn’t have to romance them; it was what it was, casual sex. But I haven’t touched the club women or any woman in six months or more. Mary coming back changed me and reminded me of the promise I made.
Maybe that was why I felt such a strong attraction to Brooke. I needed to get laid.
I pulled to the back of the lot, pulled a baseball cap low on my head, and leaned back in my seat to wait for Brooke to get off work. I didn’t have to wait long until she came strolling out of the place and walked to an old red pickup truck that looked like it was on its last leg. Flex must be a complete piece of shit to let her drive around in that heap. She cranked the engine, and the crap of metal sputtered to life. Brooke pulled out, and I followed at a distance.
I swore as I followed her into a run-down neighborhood with crumbling houses surrounded by abandoned buildings. Brooke pulled in front of a small brick one-story house, and I drove on past, turning around and parking in front of an abandoned building with an open view of her place.
She was out of the truck, and a little boy who had been playing in the yard with a dog next door while an older lady sat on the porch watching him took into a run when he saw Brooke, and she swooped him up in her arms plastering kissed all over his face.
This was her son Gael.
And she smiled, a genuine smile filled with her love for Gael. I thought she was gorgeous before, but that smile lit her whole face making her stunning. Shit, I never in my life have used the word stunning for a chick. Fuck me.
I watched as Brooke talked to the older woman on the porch for a minute before walking the boy over to what I assumed was her house, going inside out of my view. The door opened back up a minute later, and Gael called the dog inside, shutting the door once more. I had no doubt Brooke was one hell of a mom to her son.
It was already late evening, so I didn’t think Brooke would be going back out, not that I should care. I’m here to follow Flex if he shows up. But, as I settled into the seat to watch her house, that part of me I was trying to ignore said I did care and was looking forward to my next glimpse of Brooke.
Shit, why? Why her?
I rubbed the back of my neck, sighing heavily and laying my head back. I would stay for a few hours and then check in at the Day’s Inn a few miles away to get a shower and some sleep. I picked up my phone to call Shadow and update him, not that I had much to tell him yet. Aside from on the outside, Brooke is okay, and I spotted a couple of Fire Dragons in that shit hole called a bar. Maybe he has more info by now, I thought as I hit the call button. My eyes never left Brooke’s front door.
MOMMY, WHAT’S FORdinner?”Gael wanted to know, tugging on my shirt as I stood in the small dingy kitchen. But I’m in no position to be choosy; this house, for all its outdated, run-down appearance, was what I could afford with what little money Flex threw my way. Luckily we had a decent landlady who kept everything in working condition, and I did what I could to make it as homey as possible for Gael.
“How about some chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese?” I asked him. Gael was always hungry for a four-year-old. Margie, the nice older lady next door, always fed him several meals throughout the day, but he always wanted more. Margie has been a godsend. She has no family and gets lonely, so she says it’s a joy to watch Gael and won’t take a cent for watching him. And without her advice over the years, I don’t know where I would be right now.
I had no idea how to survive outside the clubhouse, and for the first few years, I struggled, and Flex wasn’t any help. Aside from coming home to force sex and a beating on me and then throwing some cash down, he spent his time at the clubhouse or strip clubs. But made sure to keep tabs on me like I was the unfaithful one. Margie knew how Flex was and encouraged me to get tested every few months, along with keeping my birth control up to date with a shot. She is like the mother I never had.
She even tried to help me leave once, but Flex found out somehow and beat me so severely that I was in bed for a week. So, now I know that it has to be done fast when I leave, and I have to go far away.
“That’ll be yummy,” Gael smiled, licking his lips.
Ruffling his dark hair, I gave him a little push. “Go watch TV until dinner is ready.”
“Okay, Mommy,” he said, running into the living room.
I started dinner, picked up my phone, and texted Carol at the clubhouse to see if Tildie was back. A few minutes later, she answered with a no. I asked if Cross or Mouth had been back, and again Carol answered she hadn’t seen them.
What was going on? Mouth never kept Tildie away this long.
I pray Tildie is okay. I wish I could have been stronger and run away with Tildie when dad died, but I was a coward. I failed her when she needed me most, and now I worry it may be too late.
My mind returned to the man named Lenny, who came into the bar today. He may have been a biker, but it was apparent he didn’t belong in a bar like Red’s Tavern. His eyes said he knew things about me, which was impossible since I had never met him before, and I would sure as hell remember Lenny because I had already had too many thoughts about that man since first laying eyes on him.
Could he be connected somehow? My instinct said yes. I guess I will know if Lenny shows up tomorrow like he said he would. But, right now, I had a child to feed, bathe and put to bed, and I was already dead on my feet. But as I went about getting those things done, eyes the color of spring leaves kept popping into my head and followed me into sleep.
I SAT INmy Jeep watching Brooke’s house, thinking of this morning. I dreamed of Brooke and woke up fully aroused, taking myself in hand to images of all the ways I would take her, causing me to come hard around my fist. I never have in all my fucking twenty-six years come so hard from rubbing one out. And those same images are still making my cock twitch with need.