I LEANED AGAINSTthe wall, silent tears running downmy face as I watched from the shadows as Roe met her grandparents. I was so happy for my little girl. Rowen’s parents were fantastic; the times that I had met them, they were always welcoming and warm. And to see Roe have the love of Rowen and his parents was such a gift. I may not get along with Rowen, but I can tolerate anything for my little girl; her happiness is all that matters to me. I watched them leave and then headed back upstairs.
I had tonight off, so I was having drinks with Wrath here at the clubhouse at seven. King and Lettie will join us. Lettie insisted, probably afraid I would back out. But I had no plans to do that. With Roe gone for the night, I had nothing else to do. I would do some chores like laundry and talk with dad to pass the time. Then, finally, the time came to get ready. I decided I wanted to look sexy; I was so used to dressing to be a mom I didn’t even know where to begin. I finally chose slim-fit jeans, a pink floral V-neck blouse that ended mid-waist, and pink heels. It was sexy without overdoing it.
I walked out my door the same time Rowen was coming out of his. He stopped, his eyes heating as they went over me. I turned and started down the hall, ignoring him even though I thought I heard him call to me and could feel him as he followed me down the stairs. I would not allow Rowen to ruin my night. He has made it clear he hates me, and I am done with his negativity.
“Sophia, you look hot, watch you don’t burn Wrath tonight,” Lettie shouted for the benefit of Rowen. I wish she wouldn’t provoke him. But, Lettie is who she is and listens to nobody but King. “Come on; the men are already seated.” I let Lettie pull me to the table where King and Wrath sat. Wrath was handsome and nice, and I would try and enjoy this evening. Even with the menacing man staring at me from the seat he took near the back of the room, determined to make his presence known.
Even as that chick Jen plopped down on his lap, he watched. I turned to Wrath with a big smile and turned on every bit of charm I had in me. “Hey Wrath, I’ve been looking forward to getting to know you.” I gave Wrath all my attention. I would not spend another minute thinking about Rowen O’Rourke.
JEALOUSY IS ANugly emotion, and right now, I was wearingit like a second skin. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Sophia as she laughed and talked with Wrath and wouldn’t even look my way. I let Jen rub all over me, her lips on my neck, trying to get Sophia to feel the same ugly emotion. But she wouldn’t look my way. My cock was hard, but not for the woman on my lap; I barely registered Jen. It had been that way since I saw Sophia come out of her room looking hot as hell. That outfit highlights her amazing body. I called to her softly before catching myself. Why does she have such a hold over me?
“Why don’t we go to your room Lord?” Jen whispered in my ear.
“No, I’m fine here,” I answered absently. At that moment, Sophia leaned over the table to say something to Lettie, and she had a shirt on that stopped not far under her breasts and was sexy as shit. I noticed her birthmark in the shape of a shamrock on her back, and she hated it because it was so big and refused to wear half shirts; this was the first I had seen her in one. I used to tease her that she was marked for me at birth with the Irish symbol. At that moment, something occurred to me.
And my stomach sunk with realization.
I pushed Jen off my lap, causing a yelp from her; pulling my phone out of my pocket, I brought up the video that had changed my life. I hit play, and that sinking feeling went to a nauseated shock.
No birthmark.
I had fucked up.
“What’s wrong, Lord?” Jen said from beside me.
Ignoring her, I stood, needing to talk to Sophia. I had made the biggest mistake of my life and had no idea how I would fix it. How could I miss that when I knew she had the birthmark? I walked up to her, ignoring everyone else at the table. “Sophia, I need to talk to you. It’s important,” I said, my voice calm even though inside I was a mess.
Sophia looked up at me, irritated. “What do we need to talk about right now? Is it Roe?” She questioned, a look of worry crossing her face.
“No, she’s fine. Can you just please come and talk to me?” I asked, trying to stay calm and not drag her out.
“Come on, Lord, she’s on a date. It can wait,” Lettie snapped, but King put his hand on hers, stopping her from saying more. Wrath looked unsure of what to do. In the club, brotherhood was number one, and he was torn.
Sophia must have noticed something was wrong. “Okay, Rowen, but only for a few minutes,” she relented, standing and following me outside. How was I going to explain to the only woman I have ever loved that I ended everything over a lie? Once outside, I pulled her farther away from the clubhouse; I didn’t want anyone to overhear our conversation. “Rowen, stop. Where are we going?” Sophia asked, her heels digging into the dirt.
I stopped wrapping my arms around her. “Sophia, I fucked up, I mean really fucked up,” I rasped in her ear, holding her tight.
“Rowen, what is going on?” Sophia said, alarm in her voice as she pushed at my chest to release her.
I reluctantly released her but kept my hands on her shoulders as I looked into her eyes, praying she could forgive me. “Sophia, I ended things with you because I was sent a video of you and Marcus having sex, and they made sure the video was time stamped for the night you said you couldn’t meet me. Marcus even used your name while he was having sex with who I thought was you. I believed it until tonight when I saw your birthmark, and I realized the woman in the video didn’t have it.” I stopped talking as she shrugged my hands off her shoulders and backed away from me. Her face was blank.
“You hurt me based on a video? And didn’t even bother to ask me about it? How could you do that to me?” she asked, and I saw the first break in her calm demeanor as tears welled in her eyes.
“Sophia, when I saw it, I went crazy and got so drunk I wasn’t thinking straight. I know it’s fucked up, but I need you to find some way to forgive me,” I pleaded, knowing it wouldn’t be so easy.
“So, you decide everything is okay because you figured out you’re a dumbass, now I’m worthy of you, and then drag me out here to ask forgiveness with Jen’s perfume all over you and lipstick on your neck and wet spots on your jeans from her pussy rubbing all over you. The same woman I found you fucking in your bed. How noble of you, Rowen,” Sophia snarled.
“I never fucked Jen that night or anyone else. I used her to hurt you. It’s always been you; even when I thought I hated you, I couldn’t move past you, Sophia, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’m asking for it.”
“You’re joking, right? Jen had your cock in her mouth when I walked in; she only took it out long enough to smile at me as you told me to get out. So, if your goal was to hurt me, you succeeded because you destroyed me that night and every day after when I struggled with losing you and having Roe, doing it alone,” Sophia hissed, anger in every inch of her body.
I cringe at her words. “Sophia, I love you, I-.”
She cut me off with a snarl, “Save it, Rowen. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have believed me capable of what was in that video. Now, I’m done with this conversation. But, if you hurry, maybe you can find Jen while your lap is still warm,” She spat, turning on her heel and heading back inside.
I started after her, but a hand stopped me. “Leave Sophia alone, boy, she needs her space, and after what you did, nothing will make her listen to you.” Silver glowered. I should have known he would follow us out. “I should kill you right now for what you did, but little Roe has become attached to your stupid ass. But the satisfaction I’ll get watching you want Sophia but not be able to have her will have to be enough.” Silver moved away from me without another glance.