“Boo berry pancakes. Daddy,” Rowena said, noticing me for the first time and reaching for me. I took her, spun her around, gave her a big kiss on the cheek, and handed her back to Sophia, and I knew Sophia needed to hold Roe.
Shadow walked in with Mary. “Everything’s clean,” he quietly said to me.
“Sophia, I know you must be exhausted, and once you're ready to lay down for a bit, I can watch this beauty for you,” Mary said, tickling Roe and making her giggle.
“I will take you up at that. I will finish her breakfast and then sleep for a few hours,” Sophia replied, looking at me with the look that said she needed more than sleep. Sophia was still wired and needed to release the energy. I winked at her, letting her know I was the man to do it for her, and an hour later, I did it for her three times before she passed out in my arms.
IT’S BEEN TWOweeks since the kidnapping, and things have settled.Rowen and I are together so much it’s a given we are a couple again, and so does the engagement ring on my finger and patch on my back. After the fear of almost dying, I decided life was too short to hold onto hurt. I love Rowen, and I know he loves me deeply, even if he was a dumbass. So, when he took me for a weekend getaway and asked me to be his wife and ol’ lady, I accepted. And next weekend, when Roe goes to stay with her grandparents, Rowen and I are heading to Vegas to get married. Neither of us what to wait.
But, Today is a special day at the clubhouse. Viking and Summer are getting married. Summer wanted a small wedding with only close friends and family. They had been waiting for several months to get married until Viking’s parents could make the trip to Pennsylvania from Florida. Just in time too. Summer confessed at our Sunday girls get together that she is four months pregnant.
I’m waiting for Rowen to bring Roe back. She was fussy, so he took her to the swings for a bit before the service started. All the club members are here, along with girlfriends and wives. I see Reader pushing Tildie in a wheelchair to sit next to Nikki and Vampire. Tildie is such a sweet girl. I’m glad to see she can finally sit up; her ribs were broken, along with her leg, arm, and many other injuries. But, Tildie still puts on a big smile for everyone. From what Rowen told me, I don’t know if I could be as strong as Tildie. I’m glad she now has protection from the club and is safe.
Rowen sat down beside me, handing me Roe. “Your turn. This little girl is wired up today,” Rowen teased.
“Roe, did you have candy today?” I asked.
“Yeah, pappy gave me candy,” Roe answered. I figured as much, dad was always sneaking her candy, and when I told him she got hyper, he shrugged his shoulders, laughing. Dad was still not talking much to Rowen, but he tolerated him, so baby steps.
The Reverend, Viking, and Shadow walked to the front, signaling the time to start; everyone got quiet. Summer was having Shay sing Wind Beneath My Wings instead of the usual here comes the bride. Shay began to sing, and Joe and Moreno’s little girl came into view throwing flowers, followed by a very pregnant Mary and then Summer, who was being given away by Viking’s dad. His dad looked to be in his sixties, and I see where Viking got his height, and bulk man was enormous. Viking's mom sat in the front row, and she looked to be in her sixties also, blond, petite, and slim.
Summer looked beautiful; her wedding dress was a Boho style with layers of white filmy fabric and a v-neck that showed her girls to perfection. She left her hair down with white flowers threaded through her long red hair. Viking was dressed in tailored slacks, a white dress shirt, tie, and his cut. This is the first time I have ever seen Viking look like he does now, his expression is soft, and the love he feels for Summer is evident. It almost feels too intimate for an audience.
The rest of the ceremony went quickly and was perfect. “Are you sure you don’t want a proper wedding?” Rowen asked.
“No, I just want to get married, move into our house and fill it with children,” I declared as we watched the bride and groom exit to the clubhouse for pictures.
“I can't wait to make all those kids,” Rowen chuckled.
Dad walked over, taking Roe from me. “Come on, Rowena, let’s get some food.”
“No candy,” I scolded him, and again he shrugged his shoulders, giving me a sly smile.
Rowen threaded his fingers in mine, pulling me toward the clubhouse. “We have a few minutes; let’s work on the next baby.”
“Rowen, we don’t have time for that.”
“Sure we do. I’ll bend you over the bed, throw your dress up and take you fast and hard. We’ll be back before anyone notices we were gone.”
And he was right. We were back down at the reception within fifteen minutes, and no one the wiser to what we had been doing. And it was so worth it. I would never get enough of Rowen.
“Come on, Sophia, give me one more; I know you have it, you,”I growled at Sophia as I fucked her from behind, slapping her ass; reaching between us, I pinched her clit, causing a muffled scream from behind her hand that covered her mouth as she reached her climax. Then, finally, I could let loose, I started pounding in and out of Sophia at a punishing pace, but I knew Sophia could take it, and with a groan, my cock spasmed inside Sophia, releasing ropes of cum before I fell beside her.
“You’re going to kill me, Rowen,” Sophia bitched, even knowing she loved every minute of our sex life.
“What you guys doin’ in there?” A little voice asked from the other side of our bedroom door.
Sophia and I quickly threw some clothes on before going and opening the door to see three little people staring back at us. “I told Preston that when you were done, you would come out,” Rowena, who was now five informed us.
“I’m hungry, and so is Tommy,” Preston whined, referring to mine and Sophia’s almost two-year-old son, who we named after my father and looked exactly like the O’Rourke’s with auburn hair and light green eyes. Sophia might get lucky with our next child to look like her.
“Okay, Preston, let’s get you fed,” Sophia said, leading the children into the large kitchen. We agreed to watch Preston while Fuse and Shay went out of town for a few days to a venue Shay was booked. But, watching Preston is like watching a little Fuse, even if he looks like Shay. The kid talks non-stop and gets into everything.