“I believe Tildie was being sexually abused by a man named Mouth, and he would take her several times a day and at night. I was told she belonged to him. When she came back, she would withdraw into herself,” Nicolette said, her anger for what happened to the tiny girl evident. Those perverted fuckers. To take advantage of a young girl like Tildie who didn’t even have a voice, let alone the strength to defend herself.
I looked at the faces of the men in the room, and they wanted retribution for this girl. And I had no doubt we would get it for her. “Thank you, Nikki; that information is helpful in how we can approach her when she wakes up,” Doc said as they lifted the cot to take Tildie out.
“Wait, here are her glasses,” Nicolette said, picking them up off the floor. “Oh, and take her books; she loves her books,” she said, picking up a pile of old books from the floor.
Reader, who had stopped when she said wait, took the glasses and the books. “I will make sure she gets them,” he promised, then walked out to ride with the van.
This is why I loved my butterfly. She is a sweet and caring person. Even though I know more went on in this room with Nicolette, I see the bruising on her arms. But, she wanted all the focus on Tildie. I need to get her back to the clubhouse so I can talk to her and find out what she didn’t say. “Let's get out of here. Do you think you can ride on my bike?”
“Yeah, I can. I’m fine, really. Just glad Tildie is getting out of here.”
I took her hand as we followed Shadow out of the building. We walked the block to our bikes, and I handed Nicolette a jacket to put on. “It may get chilly on the ride back.” After she put on the jacket, I wrapped her in my arms, relieved to have her safe, but at the same time; I knew this was temporary. I had no doubt Cross was in contact with her father, and he now knows where she is. I need to take care of the problem now before they retake her. “I love you, little butterfly,” I whispered in her ear. Then, not giving her time to react, releasing her, I straddled my bike and waited for her to climb on behind me, hugging me tight as we rode back to the clubhouse.
I LEFT NICOLETTEin my room to shower and relax. Shadow called Church, so I’m headed there. I walk in, take my usual seat, and wait for Shadow to begin. Fuse finally makes in, last as always. This meeting involves every club member, so the room is packed.
Shadow slammed the gavel down. “What went down today went smooth. Lucky for us, the bar wasn’t open, and it was child’s play getting Nikki out. But, as some of you know, we ran into something unexpected; when we went in, some crazy fucker was beating on girl, beat her severely,” Shadow said, pausing, letting the men voice their disgust. “Don’t worry; the man is dead by Stonewall’s hand.”
I glanced to my left, looking at Stonewall, and he still had the look of a man who saw too much growing up and still wasn’t ready to talk. His expression is blank; emotions are hidden.
Shadow continued. “The problem we now face is that girl is Cross’s sister, Tildie, and there was no way we could leave her; she needed medical care, and from what Nikki says, she was being sexually abused as well. And on top of it, Tildie is deaf. I want to put her under club protection, and I am pretty sure Tildie was the one to make the call that helped us find Nikki. But I know this will bring danger to the club. Cross and the guy she ‘belonged’ to will want her back, so we need to bring this to the table and vote. Reader and Doc are at the hospital, but they are both a yes. So, raise your hand if you’re a yes,” Shadow said, his eyes going around the room.
Every member had a hand up, and it was unanimous, just like I knew it would be. Not one member of this club would put that young girl back into an abusive situation. We would never allow a man like that in our club, at least not since Shadow took over. And I am indebted to Tildie; she defended Nicolette; therefore, Tildie will have my protection.
“Okay, that settles that. Tildie is under club protection. Reader has already volunteered to stand guard at the hospital; they think Reader is her brother, and he will be in the room at all times; when he can’t, Doc will sit with her. With her being deaf and abused by her ‘husband,’ they said they would make an exception,” Shadow said.
“How is she doing?” Stonewall asked, his voice quieter than usual.
Sighing heavily, Shadow said, “It’s too early to tell. Last I heard, she had a CT Scan to check for internal injuries; Tildie is so tiny, she didn’t stand a chance when he was wailing on her. But, judging by her broken bones, he must have been throwing her around. I will know more later.”
“I killed him too fucking fast,” Stonewall said more to himself.
“He’s dead; that’s what matters. What about you, Vampire? You know Nikki is now on their radar; her father will come for her,” Shadow said, telling me what I already knew.
“I’m leaving tomorrow. I will be gone for two weeks. I need Nicolette protected while I’m gone. So I will let her know she cannot leave the clubhouse for any reason until I get back. Kickstand has gathered enough information I should be in and out. It’s the drive that takes time, but I have to take my truck to be able to carry all my gear.”
“Are you sure you don’t want help? I don’t like you going this alone,” Viking said.
“It’s the only way, and when I go underground, I work better alone. I will check in to let you know I'm on my way back when the job is done. Only worry if you don’t hear from me after a week,” I said.
“We’ll take care of Nikki; you can count on it. But, on that note, make sure to keep extra protection on your ol’ ladies and kids. I know the Fire Dragons are a mess right now, but I fully expect Cross to retaliate, given we have his sister and took the bounty away from him by getting Nikki back,” Shadow said, his face a hard mask, serious with the warning.
“I will see you before I leave out tomorrow,” I said to Shadow.
“Okay, I expect no less. Now I want to check in with Doc, so if you have any questions or concerns, see me in my office. Church is over.” Shadow slammed the gavel. I was out the door and on my way back to my butterfly. I needed her tonight, and I know she needed me too.
I TOOK Ashower, and it felt good to get clean.I was starting to process everything that happened, being taken, the near-rape, and poor Tildie getting beaten. I didn’t see who killed the awful man, but I don’t feel bad about him dying, not one little bit. But, even though my body and mind should be relaxed now that I’m safe, my body is humming with adrenaline and anxiety.
Stefan came into the room, and I still couldn’t believe this sinfully handsome man loved me. “Are you feeling better?” he asked as he took off his leather vest and laid it on the dresser.
“I feel cleaner, but I’m still restless,”
“I figured that would be the case. I feel the same way, and we can help each relieve the tension. Kneel on the floor in position, and I will explain, clothes on,” he said, throwing a pillow down. I had put on pajama shorts and a tank.
I immediately did as he asked, my body already anticipating what he would do to me like it does each time. Instead, I heard him moving around, and the sound of chains and metal clinking could be heard behind me. Then the sound of him removing clothing until he stood before me. I noticed he had kept on his jeans.
“Look at me, butterfly,” Stefan murmured. I raised my eyes to meet his stormy gray ones. “Tonight, we are going to do something that will require you to put your complete trust in me that I will never hurt you and what I do to you will result in pleasure. Is that something you can do?”