"I think we should," I finally said.

"Why?" Kage asked.

"This school looks like it's all about face," Nixon pointed out.

I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow for him to elaborate.

"When we finished our exam, the professors didn't stop watching us until we left the building. They wanted to see how we would react after winning. They judge students based on a lot of things and over the years, they calculate your overall behavior and use that to determine if you're going to be worthy to be a mage warrior," Nixon explained.

"What, seriously?" Zane exclaimed.

Braxton nodded, ruffling his hair.

"They want to assess your behavior. Whether you're cocky or shy, and whether you have good or bad intentions. Of course, nothing is monitored off school grounds. You can do whatever you want as long as you follow the rules and regulations of the law. Watch when school starts."

"Certain people will act like angels in class, but are like hellions off school grounds," Nixon commented.

"But is there something specific the school is looking for in people to be considered a 'mage warrior' worthy? Also, three years is a long time. One slip up and you're screwed. Not to forget mentioning the reality that you may not even know what the school or these judges are looking for in a mage warrior," I explained my concerns, feeling like that was a stupid way to determine someone’s worth and potential.

"No one knows what attributes the school is looking for, which makes what you're saying valid. You can be acting like a goodie two shoes for your entire schooling and find out you didn't make the cut because you were too good and did nothing wrong," Maximus explained.

"That's why you should just be yourself. No front. You never know when being normal is exactly what you need to be a mage warrior. Aside from the magic requirement needed," Braxton suggested.

"Agreed," Logan replied, before leaning back to continue drinking his shake.

"So going to this party could give us a glimpse of our classmates?" Kage considered.

Zane nodded his head in agreement.

"See them in their true colors before they put on their masks."

"Also, there’s a rumor going around campus," Maximus announced.

We turned to face him and I noticed Braxton's masked expression.

"Rumor?" Nixon asked.

"There's a secret Elite club within Brighten and it's only for those on Spellbound Road or who at least meet the magic requirements. I heard from my friends who graduated it’s one of those 'Best of the Best' groups who recruit members during the first semester, especially those who show promise of being chosen as a mage warrior." Maximus revealed.

"A secret club for the best potentials? What's the purpose of the club?" I asked.

"They get extra benefits and have bribed certain professors. For example, if someone failed a subject, if they're in this club, they'll miraculously pass. Apparently it works with magic exams too. There are other benefits as well, but my group of friends didn't know much other than that,” he finished.

"Doesn't seem very cool to me," Zane sighed.

"So if you show potential, you get in?" Kage asked.

Braxton cleared his throat.

"When you show potential, you become one of their targets. They test you, whether through a gang up in the hallway or by making you do riskier stuff like drinking poison and having to use a spell to try and get it out of your system before it reaches your heart or race in a makeshift maze that fills up with water and drowns those who don't know how to conduct a bubble spell."

"It reminds me of a cult," I mumbled and Nixon nodded.

"So, we should be careful not to get recruited," Logan concluded.

"Yes," Braxton and Maximus replied.

Braxton's eyes landed on me.