"Uh... it was fine, thank yo- wait! NIXON! Why are you in my bed?" I huffed, my face growing hot with embarrassment as I backed up against the wall.

I was still wearing my white dress shirt but the buttons were all undone; before, they had been two-thirds buttoned up.

"I wanted to nap,” he stated in a matter-of-factly tone.

"You have your own bed to nap in!" I pointed out.

"True." He frowned at my observation.

Nixon sat up and let his hands run through his hair as he stretched. I paid attention to every muscle movement and the lines of his body. My eyes traveled down to his lower half, getting a glimpse of his V lines that peeked out from his maroon sweatpants.

Damn pants... and that blanket.

"Losing focus here,"Alice pointed out.

Ah right!

I sat up, pressing my back against the wall while I crossed my legs in yoga style.

"Nixon," I asked more seriously .

Nixon looked away, scratching his head.

"You were crying."

I tilted my head in confusion, totally blown back by what he said.


"You were crying. I didn’t know why, but you kept mumbling someone's name. I climbed the ladder to check and you were drenched in sweat and looked like you were gonna get sick,” he confessed, his cheeks growing a light shade of red.

"I didn't want you getting sick so I held you until you calmed down. My mom used to hold me when I had fevers and stuff; it always worked. I thought it would be helpful..." He trailed off, meeting my gaze.

I was rendered speechless at his confession.

I normally remembered my dreams, even if they were nightmares, but I must have been so tired that I couldn't recall anything.

"He did comfort you. He unbuttoned your shirt so you'd get some air and held you until you quieted down,"Alice confirmed. She scrambled over my crossed legs to sit in the middle space, resting her head on my right thigh.

"Ah... I'm sorry. It just... took me off guard," I confessed.

"It's okay. I was planning to leave but I fell asleep by accident,” he admitted.

We were quiet for a minute before I replied, "Thanks, Nixon. I appreciate it. I...get nightmares a lot."

He nodded, giving me a small smile.

"Me too."

After a moment of comfortable silence, the door opened.

"What the hell are you doing up there, Nixon?" Logan growled and I wanted to groan.

I didn't want to deal with this manly war, especially when I was still tired.

Nixon slowly turned his head and lifted his hand, showing that he was holding a joker card. Alice lifted her head to stare at the card and I gawked at it, wondering where the hell it came from.

"I'm playing cards with Jinn. You wanna join?” Nixon asked calmly .