The beep of the speaker went off and a male voice came on the intercom.

"Congratulations teams. I'm one of the witnessing professors here at Brighten and I'm very impressed with your collaboration. You are the first set of teams to set aside their differences and complete this test as a unit. The purpose of this test is not to determine what one person or a designated team can accomplish, but what can be done when people work together. You have all passed. Please head to the door that will open on your left and then you will be given your timetables, blazers, and keys to your dorms. Thank you for an entertaining performance," the older man’s voice declared.

I glanced around the room, trying to find where the booth was located which allowed them to watch the whole trial, but was unsuccessful.

The door to our left appeared and we began heading towards it.

I waited for Logan to reach my side and we both lingered at the back of the line.

Maximus took the lead with Zane and Kage following and Nixon in the middle, a little closer to us.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry,” Logan apologized.

We were walking shoulder to shoulder and his hand linked with mine, giving me a tight squeeze.

I smirked and squeezed his hand back.

"I'm cool. Don't sweat it. That was harder than I expected it to be," I reassured him.

I wouldn't have expected them to want us to work together instead of in our separate groups.

I couldn't imagine the pain one would experience when they were magically burned by lava. Even if it was fake, it still would have been painful to experience before the magic dissolved.

I gave his hand another squeeze before sliding my hands into my pockets.

Logan stayed silent but nodded back at me before returning his attention forward. If these professors were watching for our weaknesses, I didn't want them to see how affected I was by their trial.

Before we walked out of the hall, I stopped and tugged at Logan's arm to stop him in his tracks.

I leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"I'm fine. Please don't worry about it. I don't want them thinking I'm a weakness to you. Alright?" I pulled back to give him a stern look.

His orange eyes stared into my red ones and he nodded once.

"Are you two done with your loving moment? I'm tired," Nixon called out.

We turned to see him waiting for us, his hands also in his pockets. His eyes were focused on me which I noticed made Logan frown, his orange eyes glancing between us.

"Ya we’re done, Sleepy." I grinned when he furrowed his brow .

"You're just as tired,” he retorted.

"Whatever you say." I replied, walking up and patted his shoulder.

He glanced at my hand.

"Are you still dizzy?" he whispered.

I blinked, curious as to how he knew I was experiencing vertigo before but I shook my head from side to side.

"No, I'm okay. How did you know?" I asked.

"If I used as much energy as you just did back there, I'd pass out flat on my face. I figured you'd at least get really dizzy. You held your ground well," Nixon praised and I actually felt my cheeks flush a little as his red eyes began to return back to their normal black.

His hair had already reverted back to its bright red color.

I was suddenly aware of our closeness and his soft scent of strawberries.