
I walked to the sink, staring at my reflection. The image of my red eyes, tanned complexion, and loosely curled hair was projected back to me.

My cheeks were flushed from frustration, and my lips still looked smooth even though they felt dry.

My phone vibrated in my hand, and I lifted it up to see Logan's name on the screen. I took a deep breath, hoping my voice wouldn't give my annoyance away.

All because of my stress regarding the approaching school year, Alice and I had been getting into fights over the smallest things. Not to mention, she got aggravated anytime a pesky raven stole a jewel of interest before she got a chance.

I slid my finger across the phone after the third vibration, putting it up to my ear.

"Hey, aren't you—" I began, but he cut me off.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

"I don't get how you always know when I get into fights with people," I muttered.

"I'll be there in a minute,” he mumbled.

"Wait, what?! Oh no, Logan Cross, don't you telep—" I huffed, not wanting him to leave his family time with his mother over me.

"Too late,” he replied, and my shoulders sunk.

I looked over my shoulder to see Logan standing behind me, his hands tucked in the pockets of his black dress pants.

He wore a black suit; the red tie with gold stars added a pop of color. His hair was gelled back, making it hard to see his gold highlights. His gold eyes were still orange from the large magic usage he'd just expelled with teleporting here from wherever he was.

I turned around, resting against the sink and crossing my arms. "Logan, your mom is gonna be pissed."

"I won't be long, and she's busy catching up with Father anyway. He just arrived," Logan explained, reaching me in two steps and opening his arms up with a cute look on his face. I wanted to be upset with him, but the other part of me was glad he was back so soon.

He'd be leaving before long, so I might as well take advantage of having him in my life now.

I pushed off the sink and stepped into Logan’s arms. He held me tightly against his warm body, his touch soothing me immensely.

His natural caramel scent was masked by the expensive cologne he was wearing, but I didn't mind, the gentle aroma still having its effect, making me relax and inhale deeply.

"Did you and Alice get into another argument?" he asked, but his voice gave me the impression he already knew the answer.

"Yes. Again. Over nothing." I sighed, looking up at him. He frowned, moving one of his arms and lifting his hand to brush my left cheek.

"Don't give me such a sad expression. Arguments happen, even with familiars,” he reminded.

"Logan, we just argue over the same thing over and over. I . . . I’m just so frustrated," I confessed.

"School?" he asked.

I pulled out of his embrace, putting the lid of the toilet down and sitting on it. I ran my hands through my hair before I looked up to meet his concerned gaze.

"Everything, Logan," I whispered. "I'm twenty-one and I don't know what school to go to. My familiar is stuck at home, and the only adventure she gets is stealing jewelry from our neighbor instead of working on her own magic skills. My mom's condition is getting worse. What if I go to school and she stops taking her meds and no one notices or even cares? What if . . . ," I trailed off, not wanting to say the words.

"Your mom isn't going to die, Jewel," Logan stressed.

"How do you know? No one can guarantee they'll check on her daily. I only have you willing to come and check on her on the weekends, and that's just not fair to you. She's too young to be put in some elderly home for watching, and what if it gets worse? Much worse where she can't even recognize who I am? I'm scared that if I take my eyes off her, she'll fade away and poof! She'll be gone . . . just like Father and Gabriel . . . and I can't afford to lose anyone else I love, Logan. I don't have the heart for it," I confessed, choking on tears.

He took a step forward and knelt before me. His hands slid to wrap around my trembling ones, and he looked up at me with confidence.

"I know this has been stressing you out, Jewel. There's a reason why my mom came by today,” he revealed.