I smiled and his arms encircled me, hugging me tightly.

"Don't get sick on us,” he whispered.

I nodded in agreement.

Brax released me and I yawned.

"I guess I'll go na—"


I flinched at the loud sound and noticed Kage also tensed up while grabbing his head.

"Fuck, Koa! Don't fucking do that. It hurts!" Kage cursed.

What, Alice?!

I demanded, my head already pounding at the shrill sound of her voice.

"Trouble! Zane's with a group of friends doing some stupid initiation shit! HURRY!"

My eyes grew wide and I turned to Kage who looked worried.

"Fuck, Zane!" he exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Maximus asked but we didn't have time to explain.

Kage and I sprinted to the door, slipping on our shoes as we headed out.

I used a spell to conceal myself until we reached the school grounds.

I heard the others follow Kage and I as we sprinted down Spellbound road.

Alice, where are you?!

"The tower,"she whispered uneasily like it was a forsaken place.

I cursed, as dread rushed through me.

We reached the school grounds which were empty because it was Sunday.

There wouldn't be any professors on campus unless there was an emergency and by the time we even attempted to call them, we might already be too late.

We passed the same familiar bench and I could envision the little me sitting on it, kicking my legs back and forth as I hummed, waiting for Mother to finish talking to Ms. Landsford before my eyes glanced to the tower.

As if a reflex, I looked up, relieved to see that no one was there but it didn't stop my uneasiness.

I needed to make sure Zane was safe before I would be able to calm down.

As we approached the door to the tower, my legs came to a stop, my eyes lingering on the place where Gabriel fell to his death.

I wanted to move, but it was like I was frozen with fear.

Kage noticed and I gave him a worried look, hoping he would realize he'd have to go without me. He nodded in understanding and ran to the door, opening it up with a magic spell then rushed up the stairs.

I watched the others follow and I stood there trembling as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Not again. Please...not again.