I slowly turned to Katherina who had her arms crossed and was glaring daggers at me.

She was wearing a different uniform, one that was pink with black trimming. Her blazer was pink with silver trimming, which made me curious what rank she was classified as, but I personally couldn’t care less.

I'd actually forgot about her presence in my discussion with Ms. Landsford which made me wonder why was she here again?

Even though she wore her white dress shirt, blazer, kilted skirt and black dress shoes, her skirt just barely covered her ass and her shirt was unbuttoned deliberately low enough to give the world an impressive view of her breasts.

No one asked her to be oh so generous, but hey, if she wants to try the hooker life, so be it .

"I attend this school. What was your name again? Kathy? Kat? Kat Hooker! That was your name!" I exclaimed innocently.

I heard a few of the guys snicker in the classroom and Ms. Landsford’s assistant professor walked over with a wide grin on her face.

"Mr. Starfire, that's Katherina Hoolan. A nice attempt, though,” she hummed, clearly amused.

"Ah! My apologies. At least I was close. " I sighed dramatically, shrugging my shoulders with a guilty look on my face.

I turned back to Katherina who looked like she'd slap me, as her hands were clenched into fists for embarrassing her in less than a minute.


"Katherina, what brings you to our lovely classroom?” I inquired, ready to make my way back to my seat.

She pointed at me.

"You shouldn't be in this school! You’re a female!" Katherina declared.

I blinked and heard the quiet whispers of my classmates.

I smirked, placing our course packages on the desk before walking over to where Katherina stood.

When I reached where she stood, she moved around me so her back was to Ms. Landsford who looked intrigued while her assistant just looked confused.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Hey, Katherina? Did you lose some brain cells this weekend?" A student called out; three other guys chuckled at the comment.

She let out a grunt but remained where she stood, her hand still pointing at me like I was an accused villain.

"I'm serious!" she stressed.

I ruffled my hair before I stretched my arms up like I was waking up for the day.

"Katherina. The last time I checked, which was before class when I went to piss, I'm a guy," I declared.

"Did anyone put a pranking spell on the doorway?" another classmate suggested.

"Nah, they put a spell on the classrooms so we can't do that anymore," someone else responded.

"Aww, that sucks. Sounds interesting," I replied sympathetically.

I should look into why those spells were put in place later.

"Ms. Hoolan, with my 20/20 eyesight, I can confidently say that Jinn is a male. Now, my class is about to start and you've already made your announcement about the dance that's happening before the break in six weeks. I suggest you make your way back to Solarity Magic Academy. Don't want you to be late on our behalf,” she reminded.

Katherina looked over her shoulder to Ms. Landsford.

"He's a SHE! I heard her in the washroom!" she declared.