Page 53 of Holy Hell

What the—“H-How did you know?”

“Because after you shot inside him…” Beez let out a low groan. “You havenoidea how hard it wasnotto drop to my knees and eat it out. I hated the thought of your seed spilling on the bed, soaking into the sheets, when it could be sliding down my throat instead.”

Alcy gaped. “The things you say…”

Beez leaned in and kissed the tip of Alcy’s nose. “You taste delicious, Angel. Like ambrosia, only better.”

He blinked. “Who are you, and what have you done with Beez?”

Beez sighed. “I had what I suppose you could call an epiphany last night. Wanna know what I realized? It’s okay for me to have sex becauseI wantto do it, not because I was summoned for debauchery. Don’t get me wrong. You and Carter look amazing with my hickeys on your skin.” He stroked Alcy’s cheek again. “Knowing my cum is inside you both is just as awesome as seeing your smile—and hoping I’m the one who put it there.”

Alcy’s heartbeat quickened. “You... you felt it too? Like it was okay that we weren’t hosts last night, but people?”

Beez gave a slow, lazy smile. “Gotta tell you, baby, I’ve never felt so perfect in my whole life—and that’s one hell of an existence. Being with you and Carter? It was transcendental. Perfection wouldn’t be a good enough word. Last night drove me out of my comfort zone. I did something forme. I made love to someone because they wanted that from me.”

Made love? Beeznevertalked like that. This was so far from the Beez Alcy knew that it shocked him to the core. “What do you mean?”

Beez tugged him closer, and Alcy felt the cool slickness of Beez’s cock against his heated flesh. “It’s going to sound stupid—especially coming from me—but last night? I was with the two most amazing men in all of creation. We weren’t simply fucking. We were coming together and making something special. A bond that can’t be broken.” He frowned. “Does that make sense?”

It made so much sense that it brought tears to Alcy’s eyes, and his chest tightened to hear his own feelings echoed. “Yes,” he whispered. That band around his chest grew tighter still. “But we’re hosts. We can’t turn our back on our responsibilities.” He swallowed. “We can’t ever do this again.” Just saying the words sent a pain lancing through his heart.

“The hell we can’t,” Beez growled. He reached down and grabbed Alcy’s ass, gripping it tightly enough Alcy was sure he’d leave fingerprints. “This? I claimed it last night. It belongs to me. Just like Carter’s does.”

Beez had never spoken like that to anyone, at least as far as Alcy knew, and a trickle of fear slid down Alcy’s spine. “Beez? What’s wrong?”

Beez drew back, his eyes wide. “I’m sorry. Please, forgive me. I’ll go and—”

Alcy clutched his hand and pulled him back down, refusing to allow him to leave. “Talk to me.”

Beez’s eyes were full of pain. “I... I... Last night? It was something I never experienced before, but it was with the only two people in the universe I wanted to do it with. You and Carter are... important to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Alcy said breathlessly.

Beez clutched him. “Then could you please explain it tome? Because this is messing with my head.”

Alcy took a deep breath. “I think… you’re feeling the same things I am. What we did last night? It...” He shrugged. “I don’t know. It… changed me somehow? I mean, I used to be all about doing my job, but now? My mind is on you and Carter. That’s all I’ve been thinking about ever since you both fell asleep. If you had asked me last week, I would have sworn Carter would choose you, and I’d be sent off on a different assignment. It would have disappointed me, sure, but I would have gotten over it. If you put the same question to me today?” He sighed. “I’m not sure what it means.”

“It means I chose you both,” Carter said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

“How long have you been awake?” Alcy demanded. “And how much did you hear?”

“Enough not to stay quiet a moment longer.” He stared at them. “For me there is no Alcy without Beez, and no Beez without Alcy. You’re a package deal.”

“But we’re hosts....”

Carter smiled. “Yeah, I got that part. But last night was—what was that word Beez used? Oh yeah—transcendental.” He took them both by the hand and pulled them back down onto the bed. “I knew the two of you had feelings for each other, even if you weren’t going to admit it. I would catch you sneaking peeks when the other wasn’t looking. But then I noticed you were looking at me too. I started to wonder if, maybe, there was something between the three of us.” He leaned over and kissed Alcy. “That’s why I couldn’t make a choice. I can’t give up either one of you.” Then he turned his head and placed a gentle kiss on Beez’s lips. “And I want a chance to keep you—both of you.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want, or even whatwewant,” Beez muttered. “It’s never been done. Supreme wouldn’t let us go.”

Carter pulled him closer. “Then answer me this.” He looked Beez in the eye. “Are you willing to let Alcy go… without eventryingto keep him?”

The only sound was the music that drifted in from a neighboring apartment.

“I can’t let him go,” Beez said at last, and Alcy couldn’t miss the sorrow in his voice. “I don’t want to leteitherof you go.” He peered at Alcy. “What about you?”

It was time to admit the truth. “I never wanted to be apart from you. It physically hurt me when we went on different assignments. But....” He closed his eyes and took another deep breath. “I can’t be with you, knowing that you’re going off somewhere to have sex with other people. And I know that might make me sound selfish, but—”

“No,” Carter interjected. “If it does, then I’m selfish too, becauseIdon’t want to think about Beez being with someone who isn’t us. But… I also would be jealous ofyoucuddling with anybody but us.” He squeezed their hands. “ I think—no, Iknow—the three of us are meant to be together. Don’t ask me how, but… My heart tells me you two were called here for a reason. Itwasn’ta mistake or an accident, or even me using weird ingredients. That book knewexactlywho to bring me to make my life perfect.”