Page 43 of Holy Hell

“N-No, it’s okay,” Carter whispered, cursing himself for his inability to speak up.

“The fuck it is!” Beez stepped away from Carter, and it was as if his movement created a void that threatened to swallow Carter whole. Beez took in the crowd with a slow stare. “Yo, you all listen the fuck up!” he bellowed, and the crowd went dead silent. “Seems some of you have forgotten the rules for these parties, so lemme remind you. Everyone is here to have a good time. Thatdoesn’tmean that everyone else’s ideas of what that is matches yours. So here’s what you do. You talk. You get to know each other. You go off together and fuck like bunnies—if that’s what you agree on—but you donot, now or ever, put hands on someone without their consent. If that’s what you think these parties are for, then you can just get the hell out now.”

Beez’s chest rose and fell rapidly, his fists clenched at his sides. Alcy reached out and touched him on the shoulder. “Don’t blame them,” he said. “Look at Carter. He’s hot. We were with you. It’s a fair assumption that—”

“No!” Beez cut him off, his voice breaking, as though he was straining to contain his anger. “It wouldn’t matter if Carter was on his knees sucking my cock. Without his permission,no onetouches him.” He threaded his fingers through Alcy’s hair, and with that tender touch, Carter watched his rage begin to melt. “I know it’s your nature to soothe things over, but people here on Earth have been getting away with shit like that for far too long. They dismiss accusations of sexual assault as being simply youthful ‘indiscretion’, and ‘why ruin someone’s life’ with such charges? Well, it’s bullshit. What about the other person? Their lives are already marred, and they’ll have to live with the consequences. No one gives a damn about them.”

A full pink lip jutted out. “I didn’t mean—”

Beez pulled Alcy to his chest, almost cradling him. “Oh, no, Angel. Not you. You’re good and kind and decent, so that’s what you look for in everyone. I’m just made differently.”

Georgy cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for assuming,” he said, stepping closer. “Carter, please forgive me.”

Carter could do that. “Okay.”

Georgy turned to Beez, his head bowed. “I’m sorry to you too, for what I did.”

Beez ruffled Georgy’s hair. “You’re good, kid. Just remember the rules, and you’ll stay that way, okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

Murmurs rippled through the almost silent crowd that surrounded them. Beez tilted his head, and peered at everyone. “Why’s it so quiet? This is a party, so kick that music into high gear and let’s go with the flow.”

Except something had changed in Beez, and Carter could see it. His carefree attitude was muted, somehow. The mischief that always danced in those red eyes was gone, and in its place was sadness and…

Pain. He’s in pain.

Carter put a hand on his arm. “Beez?”

“I’m sorry,” Beez said with a sigh, staring at a spot in the distance. “It’s just occurred to me that when we met, I was no better than Georgy. I came on pretty strong, didn’t I?”

Carter blinked. “No, you never did anything wrong.”

It was obvious Beez didn’t agree. He scraped a hand over his head. “I did. I’m a lust demon. Throughout the millennium it’s always been the same—if I’m summoned, then sex is on the table. But this time, this once, that wasn’t what happened, and I should have made sure it was what you wanted before I barreled in. So yeah, I’m sorry.”

Carter grabbed Beez’s shirt and dragged him down so they were staring into each other’s eyes. “You weren’t wrong. When I did the spell, I hoped to get fucked. But when there were two of you, I realized that wasn’t all I wanted. So, if anything, I’m sorry for sending mixed signals.”

Alcy clucked his tongue. “The two of you have taught me something. So many problems could be worked out if everyone would simplytalk.”

Beez chuckled. “Maybe I need to be more open and tell people what I want, instead of always falling back into my assumed role. Maybe… just maybe, there’s more to life than getting laid.” His eyes widened. “And if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll call you a liar.”

Warmth surged through Carter. In the short time Carter had known him, Beez hadgrown. The day he arrived, he’d been a sex demon, but now? He was something more. He had admitted he needed to think more before he acted. That was progress, right?


It sounded like Alcy’s voice, but as if it came from far away. Carter turned his head, seeking his friend, and suddenly his knees buckled. It was only Beez’s arms around him that kept him from falling.

“Carter!” Beez shouted. “Alcy?”

“I’ve got this,” Alcy replied. Then Carter was hauled off his feet and into the comforting embrace of his very own angel. Alcy was so pretty, Carter wanted to kiss him. He wanted…

“Beez, get us home.” Alcy’s voice was tinged with fear.

Carter closed his eyes tight, hoping to block out the strobing lights that turned his head inside out. Something soft lay beneath him, and he knew he was home again. Everything would be okay.

Or maybe not. Something wasn’t right.
