Page 39 of Holy Hell

“I’m fine,” Carter insisted. “Noware you done?”

Alcy chuckled. “Stillalmost, Oh Impatient One.” Alcy applied a final touch of blush, some concealer and eye shadow, then directed Carter to the mirror. “Okay, take a look.”

Carter stared at his reflection. “This has to be a spell or something,” he whispered, reaching out and touching the glass. “Nowayis that me.”

Alcy smiled. “Yes way. And before you tell me this is all due to makeup, it isn’t. You’re absolutely stunning, Carter.” He slid his fingers through Carter’s hair. “Face it, buddy, you’re hot as... well, sin.”

A change in temperature told Alcy Beez had returned. Carter was still gaping when Beez stepped in and threw an arm over Alcy’s shoulder. “They grow up so fast, don’t they, Mom?”

Alcy chuckled, then stuck out his tongue at Beez. “He’s beautiful.”

Beez’s eyes gleamed. “And he’s not done yet.” A bag materialized, emblazoned with the label Milwork, and he handed it to Carter.

“What’s this?” Carter asked, taking the bag when Beez handed it over. He opened it, and gasped.

Nowwhat has Beez gone and done?

Okay, it wasn’t a Lamborghini, but it might as well have been. “I can't afford this.” Carter handed the bag back. “I went in that store once, and my entire clothing budget was blown by just breathing in the stray threads.”

Beez gave him a hard stare. “This, my young one, is a gift from me and Alcy. So not only will you wear it, you will lookfabulousin it.” He winked. “And then tomorrow we can return it.”

“Beez.” A frown distorted Alcy’s beautiful face.

Beez rolled his eyes. “I’m kidding. Think of it this way. Every time you wear it, every time you look at it, you’ll remember us.”

Carter’s stomach clenched. He had never enjoyed himself as much as he had with Beez and Alcy, and he didn’t want it to end.

“What if Idon’tfind someone?” he protested. “I mean, what if no one wants to date me… or do…somethingwith me?”

Why was he being coy? All three of them knewsomethingmeant sex.

Beez gaped at him. “Have youseenyourself? Men will be dropping to their knees, just to lick the sweat off your balls.” He waggled his shaped brows. “You have nothing to worry about. We’re gonna find you someone, guaranteed.”

That was the thought that plagued Carter. Every tick of the clock brought them much closer to leaving.

“Oh, this is lovely,” Alcy murmured, holding the shirt up. “What is it?”

Beez folded his arms, his smile smug. “That, my dear angel, is an Alta CPO shirt. It’s a Nep wool blend from Japan, and it has custom horn buttons with enamel fill. It features satin lined sleeves with a black yoke and a quarter-inch single needle stitch.”

“Did you memorize the catalog or something?” Alcy chided.

“Uh,duh. What do I know about clothes? Usually I just rip ’em off people.”

Carter pulled out his phone, tapped a few buttons, then gasped. “You spent fourhundreddollars on this?”

Beez snorted. “I could’ve gotten it for free. The salesman was all about making a trade.” He leered. “I told him maybe next time.”

Carter held the bag out to Beez. “I can’t accept something like this.”

Beez batted his eyes at Alcy. “Oh, Mom, you raised our boy well.”

“Stop calling me Mom,” Alcy growled. “Andyou,” he said, pointing to Carter. “You will take the gift in the spirit it’s intended.” His expression softened. “Beez clearly wanted you to have something to remember us by.”

Beez arched his eyebrows. “Um, actually,wewanted? I took a few bucks out of your pants to pay for it.”

“Mypants?” Alcy’s eyes narrowed. “What’s a few?” Beez mumbled something, then turned away. “Beezlebub, what’s a few?”

“Two hundred!” Beez ground out. “But I was the one who did the shopping!”