Page 35 of Holy Hell

Alcy sighed. “Carter, if you have something to ask, please, just come out with it.”

Carter straightened, his arms folded. “Why don’t you ever put on your big boy halo and clap back at Beez when he teases you?”

“I told you—”

“No, you didn’t, not really.” He gazed intently at Alcy, his eyes warm. “Is it because you’re afraid of hurting him?”

“What? No!” But was he? Alcy was always so careful around Beez. He liked seeing him, enjoyed his antics. Is it possible I don’t want to upset him, so I’m always on guard?“How could you even ask that?” Something had to lie at the root of Carter’s questions. “Carter… speak your mind.”

Carter’s features twisted. “I’m trying to figure out how the two of you work together. I mean, I know you never got called to the same person, and that has to be weird for you. I guess I want to know how you feel about him, so I can compare it to my own feelings. You’ve known him a lot longer than me, obviously.”

That was a fair statement. “I was there when Beez was created.”

“You mean, when he was born?”

Alcy shook his head. “Hosts aren’t like humans. We come into existence as fully formed adults, instilled with values and knowledge and morals. Supreme wants us to know what they expect before we’re sent out into the world. And Beez? He was... well, a lot like he is now. He’s always been willful, pushing the boundaries to see what he can get away with.” A sigh fell from his lips as the memories surfaced. “I think that’s what makes me like him the most. He’s so... free, even for a demon. To him, rules are vague guidelines that exist solely to find a way around them.”

“And you admire that?”

A quick nod. “I guess I do. Angels are more rigid. We don’t bend or try to skirt the rules. We adhere to the letter of the law. There’s no wiggle room if you follow them, and we want everyone to be happy.”

Another tilt of Carter’s head. “You don’t think Beez does?”

That was an interesting question. “I think Beez wantsBeezto be happy. Not that I blame him. He’s a demon, so he’s got a lot more leeway than I do. For him, as long as the summoner gets what they want, Supreme is happy, and Beez works his way up the ranks.”

“Ranks?” Carter stilled. “You have such things?”

“Of course. New hosts start out on the bottom rung. They’re more trainees than anything else. That can take a few hundred years before they learn everything they need to know. Once that’s done, they’re sent out into the field as agents, like Beez and I.” Alcy smiled. “One day, we all hope to reach ascended level.”

“And what’s that?”

His smile faded. “No one we know has ever reached it. All we’ve heard are rumors. When Supreme is asked, they only give an enigmatic smile, and tell us if we continue working hard, we’ll find out.” He picked up the spoon and resumed stirring the batter. “Maybe one day.”

“Another question?”

Alcy grinned. “You really don’t want to know how to make a cake, do you?”

“No, I do,” Carter remonstrated. “But I want answers too.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

“If Beez bothers you—”

“I never said he bothered me,” Alcy interjected.

Carter rolled right over his interruption. “If Beez bothers you, why not say something to him? Unload and get it off your chest.”

Yeah, right.“Rules must be followed.”

“And is there one that says you have to keep a tight grip on that stick you’ve got shoved up your ass?”

Alcy rolled his eyes. “Someone’s been talking to Beez.”

Carter took the bowl from him and continued stirring. “No, that’s not it. I’ve watched when Beez irritates you. It’s obvious there’s something right on the tip of your tongue, but then you bite it back.” He frowned. “That’s not healthy. Let it out, tell him how you feel. Maybe if you do that, you’ll—”

“Carter!” Beez zipped into the kitchen, his lips smeared with chocolate.

Alcy glanced at the bowl in his hand, and gaped. “Where did you get that frosting?”