Page 33 of Holy Hell

“Do it,” Beez demanded. He’d existed as a sex demon for countless millennia, and he’d never been so horny.

“What about lube?”

“Lube shmube, just get it in there.”

Carter’s body radiated warmth as he closed in, and Beez caught his gasp as his shaft breached Beez’s hole.

Only, it was Beez’s mind that was blown.

He knows I’m a sex demon. Heknowsthis is what I do.And yet… Carter inched his way inside, as if Beez was a breakable virgin. He took his time, his movements fluid, like no other being who’d ever summoned Beez.

“It’s like a furnace inside you,” Carter murmured, picking up the pace a little.

“We’re pretty hot blooded.” Beez pushed back onto Carter’s cock. “Fuck me, Carter. Please.” Beez had never beggedanyoneto fuck him. He did it if the other person wanted to, but he’d never really cared one way or the other if—“Holy shit!” Carter filled him to the hilt, his balls slapping against Beez’s ass. “Yeah, like that.” Carter grabbed Beez’s hips and yanked him back onto his dick, spearing him over and over with his shaft. When he stilled, withdrawing completely, Beez jerked his head to stare at him. “What’s wrong?”

“I want to see your face,” Carter croaked.

Beez flipped onto his back. “I was gonna do that anyway.” He grabbed his legs and pulled them up to his chest, revealing his hole. “Now get back in there.” Carter knelt at his ass, guided his cock into position, and thrust, hard enough to bring tears to Beez’s eyes. “Oh Supreme, yeah, just like that.”

Carter hooked his arms under Beez’s legs, his hips snapping as he fucked Beez with long, deep strokes. Beez’s breaths punctuated every drive of Carter’s shaft into him, and he knew he was close.

Not yet.He had a job to do.

Beez cupped Carter’s nape and looked him in the eye. “You ready for me to blow your mind?”

Carter didn’t think his mind could be more blown than it already was. “Whatever you’re thinking of doing, do it fast. I’m close to cumming, and it’s killing me to hold back.”

Beez smiled at him. “You got it.”

Carter thrust until his cock was buried in Beez’s body, then froze as something probed his own hole. It was sticky, warm, firm, and—oh my God, it wasinside him. Whatever it was reached deep into him, and Carter cried out. “What the hell is that?”

“My tail,” Beez announced with a proud grin. “They’re opposable, so we can use them for any manner of things.Thisform is my favorite.” He pulled Carter down into a kiss that curled Carter’s toes. “C’mon, fuck me while I fuck you.”

Carter was lost, rocking into Beez while Beez filled his ass again and again with that talented tail, brushing over his prostate continually until he could take no more. He shot hard, shuddering with each pulse of his cock, Beez’s tail wedged in his ass, at rest, and Beez’s arms around him, holding him until ever last drop of cum was inside Beez.

Beez pushed Carter’s hair back from his damp brow. “Mind blown?”

Carter collapsed onto him, his dick slipping from Beez’s body. “And then some.”

Beez kissed the top of his head. “Well, that’s perfect,” he whispered. “Because you blew mine too.”

He nudged Beez. “How about a nap?”

Beez smirked. “You read my mind.”

Chapter Twelve

Alcy peered through the windows of The Pfister Hotel with a sigh. It had changed a lot since his last visit. Then again, that was almost eighty years ago, when he’d been summoned by a man far from home, who’d wanted nothing more than a bit of company. They’d spent the night talking and…

Alcy expelled a jagged breath.That’s all Ieverdo. Talk. Study. Cuddle.And right then, Beez was probably deep inside Carter’s body, bringing him to new heights.

Alcy didn’t want to think about that.

Alcy tried hardnotto think about that.

He did his best to ignore the burning in his chest, the turmoil in his head… He was growing tired of wearing two faces—the one he showed to the world, and the one he had to hide.

The one tinged green with jealousy.