Page 2 of Holy Hell

“Well, okay.”

He hung up and rushed to the bedroom, where he kept his bottle of lube in a drawer beside the bed. He had to keep it out of his roommate’s sight, lest the poor lad get the vapors or something. Danny was a good guy, really. The problem was, he seemed to be a lot like Carter’s parents with his nightly bible readings, his cross earrings and necklace, and forever telling Carter God was watching him. Well, if He was, Carter hoped He enjoyed the show.

Carter was barely through the door to his room before he yanked his pants down with one hand while he fumbled in the nightstand for the joy jelly. God, he’d never ached like this before, and all he could do now was scratch that nagging itch. He wrapped his left hand around the shaft, as he struggled to flick the spout on the lube up. Before he’d gotten that far, he gave a quick stroke and shot like a damn racehorse. It splattered his bed, his pillow, his hand. Holy hell, he’d never cum that fast or that hard before.

He flopped back onto the bed, his breathing ragged. All this from a fantasy? What would happen if he had the real thing? He let that thought settle. What wouldn’t Carter give to find the man of his dreams, who would of course be an insatiable lover, capable of going for hours, but would also hold Carter to him after as he drifted off to a blissful sleep?

He might as well admit it. He was never going to find that man. He doubted one even existed.

Right, because you havesomuch experience with men.

Stupid voice in his stupid head. Fine, so Carter was a fucking virgin. What else could he be with Ozzy and Harriet Nelson or Ward and June Cleaver for parents? His parents made him watch those old timey shows when he was growing up, because that was how they said family was supposed to be. Even as a child of seven years, Carter had to ask how the hell did they even have kids, considering they slept in separate beds? What did they do, slip out of their bed, climb on top of their spouse, do a quickie, and then hurry back to their own side, puffing like a bull, then rolling over and going to sleep?

No one is ever going to give you what you really want, you know.

Carter closed his eyes. He was nineteen, not forty. He didn’t need to settle down, to be satisfied with one partner. He could go to the Dragonfly downtown?well, once he’d gotten hold of a fake ID?and get dozens of offers. Hell, he could probably go home with every fucking guy in that bar, and… and…

He sighed and threw an arm over his eyes. “Who am I kidding? That’s not what I’m looking for,” he groused. “As fucked up as they are, I want what my parents have. A guy I can come home to, someone who’ll listen when I tell them about my day. Someone who will make me the center of their universe, and allow me to do the same for them.”

Sure, but a quick bang wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

And suddenly his mother’s voice filled his head.

“Carter, sex should only be for marriage. To fornicate outside of marriage is a sin, and punishable by an eternity in Hell. We wouldn’t want you to go there, sweetie. Your father and I fully expect you to be with us when we’re in Heaven.”

In truth, Carter wasn’t even sure he believed in Heaven or Hell, or even God for that matter. His parents wielded their belief like a cudgel, ready to beat down any and all that they deemed heathens and sinners. If there was a God, Carter had to believe He wasn’t like that. He’d gone to one of those churches that claimed to be gay friendly, and this one truly had been. They’d sat with him, listened to his story, and literally embraced him when he expressed his frustration.

When his parents found out, they flipped. In fact, they were so freaked, Carter told them he’d gone there by mistake, and that once he found out what it was like, he would never go back again. And where did that leave him?

He was lonely. His circle of friends, though small, was tight. When they invited Carter to go out with them, he wanted to accept, but thoughts of word getting back to dear old Mumsy and Dadsy made it more stressful than it should have been, so he simply declined.

So how will you ever have a boyfriend? Do you expect to stay a virgin forever? Or will you be one of those closet cases who get head in a seedy bathroom stall on the interstate?

At this point in his life, Carter was seriously considering the latter. He wanted to suck a dick. Wanted tobesucked. Oh, and he wanted to get well and truly boned. He’d seen a few porn videos, and holy hell, had they been hot. He wasn’t sure about doing the actual fucking, but having it done to him sounded totally epic.

And just like that, his dick was hard again. Damned thing had a mind of its own when it wanted a little hand to gland action. He was about to pull it out and satisfy those base urges when he heard the door open, and his roommate call his name.

He thought if he didn’t answer, maybe Danny would go away, but nope. Instead he rapped on the door. Carter barely had time to pull the blanket up before it opened.Great, now I have to wash the cum out of my bedding.

“Carter, you asleep?”

“I was,” Carter lied, not feeling the least bit guilty. “What’s up?”

“A group of us are going down to protest at the new bookstore that opened on Water Street near the futon place, and I wanted to know if you’d come along.”

Carter frowned. “Why would you protest a bookstore? Literacy is a good thing.”

Danny scowled. “Because it’s all devil worshipping stuff like crystals, and there’s this occult stuff, including books. We don’t need that kind of thing in the area. Let them go somewhere into the seedier places, like Chicago or New York or Los Angeles.” He cocked his head. “No, not Los Angeles. That’s the City of Angels, so it wouldn’t be good there.”

Carter forced himself to take a deep breath to keep from ripping Danny’s head off, then launched into his tirade.

“So if people start petitioning to have the bible removed, are you going to be okay with that? Wait, let me answer that. No, you willnot. You’d defend it as a holy book, and say it’s wrong to keep it off the shelves. Well, you know what? People lead lives that are nothing like yours, and believe in things you might not. That doesn’t make them bad or wrong, just not something for you. Live and let live, man.” He figured in for a penny and all that. “Plus, crystals aren’t a devil thing, they’re an Earth thing.”

Danny gave a disdainful glare. “Figures you’d be fine with it.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you. What kind of Christian are you?”

“The kind who believes in love, not hate. The one who knows that most people are good at heart. One who is comfortable enough that he doesn’t need to try and quash anything he doesn’t like.” He sat up, still holding the blanket to his chest. “In fact, I’m going to go down there and do a little shopping so I can support them.”

Danny gaped. “You’re unbelievable. Your parents must be so ashamed of you.”