Page 5 of Holy Hell

Mr. McAffrey smiled sweetly. “Is thatreallywhat you want? Or are there still things you’d rather not say because you think I’m an old man?”

He’d nailed it. Carter was talking to Mr. McAffrey like he would have his grandfather. “Yes, sir.”

“Don’t worry about offending or shocking me. Like I said, when you get to be my age, there are very few things you haven’t seen, heard, or done. If it helps, I can spout a few profanities to make it easier on you.”

Carter chuckled. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt as though he could reveal his secrets to this man who was staring at him with soft blue eyes. “I want to be fucked,” he whispered. “Over and over again. By a big, strong guy who can pick me up like I weigh nothing. I want to bewanted. I want to betaught. I want to hear him groan while he’s fucking me, and know he’s making those noises because it feels so good being inside me.” He swallowed against the tears that threatened to overwhelm him. “But I’m never going to have that, so I don’t know why I keep torturing myself with thoughts like these.”

And now he had to get out of there. His face felt red hot, and he was certain it appeared that way too.Why did I say all that?

He couldn’t help himself, that was why. The words had poured out of him, and he couldn’t rein them in.

Carter glanced toward the window. “Doesn’t look like their demonstration is going to happen after all.” He got to his feet. “And now I’d better go. Thanks for the tea, and I’m really sorry for saying all that. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

Mr. McAffrey halted him, his wrinkled hand on Carter’s arm. “Stop.”

Carter’s stomach roiled. “Please. I feel bad enough as it is.”

“I’m asking you to stay a while longer, because I’m going to help you find what you’re looking for.”

Carter blinked. “Excuse me?”

Mr. McAffrey stood. “Come with me.”

In a daze, Carter followed him through the store to an old bookcase at the rear, fronted by a glass door. Mr. McAffrey removed a long key from his pocket and slid it into the lock. He opened the door and ran his finger along the spines of the books.

One glance told Carter these were far older than anything on sale in the rest of the store.

Mr. McAffrey reached up and took a slim volume from the top shelf. He closed and locked the door, then handed the book to Carter. “Here.”

Carter gazed at it in bewilderment. “What is this?”

His eyes twinkled. “I believe it’s commonly called a ‘book’.”

“Okay, I can see that, but—”

Mr. McAffrey opened it, then pulled a ribbon from a box and laid it on the page. “There. Now I’ve marked where you need to look. I’m sure everything will be clear once you’ve read it.”

“Read what?” Carter was lost.

Mr. McAffrey touched the bookmark. “The spell to help you find what you seek.”

Carter froze. “The what to help me find what?”

“The spell. You’ll need a few ingredients. Then there are the incantations, but I’m sure you won’t have any problems with them, not a smart boy like you.”

Carter wasn’t sure he believed any of this, and he was waiting to find out what the catch was. “And how much do you want for the book?”

“Nothing. It’s a loan. Bring it back when you’re done with it.” He shrugged. “Or it’ll make its way back here eventually.”

He peered at the book’s tattered cover. Despite its well-worn edges, it had the look of something that hadexpensivewritten all over it. “This is an antique. Maybe a hundred years old.”

Mr. McAffrey bit his lip. “Far older than that, I assure you.”

“But it has to be valuable.”

“Oh, it is,” Mr. McAffrey answered. “Not because of the book, but because of what it holds. A book like this can’t be bought. Not even Elon Musk could afford it.” He grinned. “And trust me, that man needs the knowledge contained herein. I know you’re skeptical, but itwillwork.”

“But what will itdo?”