Page 47 of Holy Hell

“Tell him, Beez.”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Carter asked. He reached for Beez, who pulled back.

“You’re an idiot, like Alcy said,” Beez croaked. “A stubborn fucking idiot, and—and—and we were so scared,” he finally admitted.

Carter patted the bed. “Hey, come here.” Beez lay beside him, a little awkwardly, and Carter grabbed Beez’s arm, pulling it across his stomach. Then he turned and pinned Alcy with a stare. “You too.”

They lay on either side of him. It was no small feat, especially since the bed wasn’t built for three, but they managed to do a human Tetris and slot themselves together.

Alcy wrinkled his nose. “Someone needs a shower.”

“Later, okay?”

He sighed into Carter’s hair, happy that he was on the road to recovery.

The question was, where would they go from here?

Two more days, and Carter was almost back to his normal self. Beez hadn’t thought about sex once. Instead, he’d spent the time watching Carter sleep, Alcy curled behind him. The two of them made a pretty picture, and it did Beez’s heart good to see them. He found a contentment he hadn’t known before seeing his two—the two—men together.

He stood beside the bed, gazing at the sleeping pair. Then Alcy’s eyes opened and he smiled at Beez, sending a shiver through him.

Something has changed between us.Beez wasn’t blind—Alcy had noticed it too.

“Can we talk?” Beez whispered. He wanted Carter to sleep a while longer.

Alcy nodded, and with a few nimble twists, he extricated himself from Carter’s hold. The two of them went to the space outside the bedroom. Beez opened the refrigerator and grabbed two orange sodas. They weren’t as good as chocolate, but then again, nothing wasthatgood, short of sex.

“It’s great to see him healthy again.” Alcy nodded, but there was a troubled look in his eyes. Beez frowned. “What is it?”

“I want….” Alcy lapsed into silence, his face scrunched up.

Beez sat on the sofa and pulled Alcy down beside him. “What, Angel? What do you want? Tell me.”

Alcy’s dull stare and slumped posture spoke volumes, and Beez’s chest constricted.I don’t want him—or Carter—to be sad. Not if he could prevent it.

“I’ve been thinking.”

If it had been any other summoning, Beez would have teased him, but he didn’t have it in him. “Okay, tell me what’s going on inside your head.” He drew Alcy to him, holding him close.

Alcy felt good pressed against him. “Before this assignment, I never thought about anything long-term. You know how it is. We go in, do our job, and then move on to the next one. We might check in from time to time, but there’s usually only a slight connection between us and those we help.” His lip trembled. “I don’t feel that way with Carter. I mean… I don’t want to lose him, you know?”

Alcy’s words echoed those already in Beez’s mind. “I know.”

“So… I’ve been thinking about the future. Carter makes me want things I’ve never dared express before.”

And that was something else Beez understood. If any other demon could see Beez wrapped up in the embraces of a human and an angel, they’d laugh themselves stupid. This wasn’t how it worked.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

He cupped Alcy’s chin. “Whatdoes he make you want?”

Alcy sighed. “To touch him, the way you do. To feel his muscles beneath my fingers. To see—”

“His cock. C’mon, Angel. In for a penny and all that.”

Alcy flushed. “I want to be the one to get him hard. To have him come apart under my touches. I want….” He fell silent.

Beez knew he had to drag it out of him. “Go on.”