And nothing can ever change that.
My heart and head race as I speed back toDSC.
When I arrive there, I smile.
I nod.
I feel good being here.
I park the SUV and leave it as is.
The cold fall air hits me and I take a deep breath.
Am I worried about Cullen, Archer, and Seth?
Of course I am.
But at the same time… I want to know what they know.
And if they’re not going to tell me, then I hope they beat each other up. I hope they shoot each other. I don’t care anymore.
I’m tired of everyone saying their silence is to protect me.
I can protect myself.
No matter what.
I look to my right and I see a man.
Someone I’ve never seen before.
Sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette.
I walk faster.
From the corner of my eye, I see the man stand up.
I see him start to walk toward me.
He ditches his cigarette and looks right at me.
I walk even faster.
No… I break out into a run.
After a few seconds, I look back.
The man is running after me.
“Oh, fuck,” I whisper.
Now I take back everything I just said to myself.
I need you, Cullen.
I need you, Archer.
I need you, Seth.