I nod. “Yes. I understand.”
“I hope you do, Jaci,” he says. “You may exit my office. And go straight to class.”
I turn and walk to the door and exit the office.
With my head down, I exit the main building.
I take a deep breath and look around.
I wonder why I don’t just break into Dean Tahg’s office and find my folder. Or why that idea hasn’t hit me until now.
It would be so simple.
And screw the repercussions.
At least I’d know the truth.
I guess I don’t do that because… I like the attention from Archer. And Cullen.
And Seth, of course.
I start to walk.
I have to get to class.
Or maybe I don’t.
What’s the worst that can happen if I skip just one more time, right?
Chapter 40
Iskip the dorms.
I don’t want to hear anything from Maz and Birdie.
I skip any thought when it comes to finding Cullen or Archer.
Same with Seth.
A part of me thinks about leaving campus all together.
Not for good.
Just for a little while though.
To clear my head.
To gather my thoughts.
There’s too much at once. And it’s all shrouded in secrets.
Just so many secrets.
I walk across campus and realize I’m on my way to the coffeehouse.
It seems fitting.
Sit and have some coffee.