The tacos also taste really good too.
I sit there, crunching on the hard shells, staring forward.
I catch myself nodding.
One way or another, I’m getting the fuck out of this basement really soon.
Chapter 4
At night there’s just the soft glow from the TV.
Seth chooses the show or the movie for us to watch together.
He starts out by sitting on the bed next to me.
I get sleepy and I get the vibe he secretly wants me to fall asleep on his shoulder.
I then get the vibe he wants to hook up.
Maybe he has some kind ofI-kidnapped-you-let’s-have-sexfantasy thing.
Which is all fine.
But it’s not going to happen with me.
Then again, if this thing ends the way I think, then this is Seth’s last chance to live out that fantasy.
There’s no way he can survive this, right?
Better yet… what are my chances of surviving this?
Seth’s watching some show about motorcycles.
Guys fixing them up and selling them, trying to make a profit or something.
It’s a terrible show.
My eyes grow really heavy.
He inches toward me and places his hand on my right leg.
This is the first time I don’t instantly slap his hand away.
I watch his fingers gently curl and release.
Curl and release.
Then I hit his hand away.
He never says a word when I do that.
He just smirks.
There’s a dark, quiet side to Seth.
That’s what always made him so hot to me.
And when he snaps, he comes out of nowhere to attack.