Page 3 of Dirty Princess

“That sucks,” Fay says.

“No shit,” I say. “Everything I owned was in there.”

“What do you own?” Fay asks.

“Obviously nothing.”

“Oh, Jaci, was your guitar in there?”

“Yeah,” I say. “That’s okay. I haven’t played it in months. It was missing two strings.”

“Can’t you buy new strings.”

“Yeah, once the money tree blooms out back.”

My bangs tickled my eyelashes and I try to run my hand through my knotty, dark hair.

I need to get my hair cut, big time.

That’s not likely to happen anytime soon since my cashflow is zero.

And now I’ll have to deal with whatever happens after your car burns to metal.

I drink my coffee and let Fay deal with the firefighters and the police.

I’ve had enough of the neighbors looking at me.

I go inside and look at the gourmet breakfast Fay has made for us.

Half burned waffles and little chunks of sausage that look like mold.

I skip breakfast.

Hey, it keeps my stunning figure intact, so fuck it.

When Fay comes back inside, she looks at me and shakes her head.

“What?” I ask.

“Did you owe someone money?”


“Your car was set on fire on purpose.”



“Whatever. The car isn’t worth shit.”

“You won’t get anything for it,” Fay says. “And now there’s going to be an investigation.”

I laugh. “You really think they give a fuck? Please.”

“You’re a bitch today, Jaci. More than normal.”

“Maybe it’s my period… Nope”