Page 211 of Dirty Princess

Brianna then makes a daring move and places her left middle finger on the handle of a long knife.

The blade moves just enough to allow the light in the kitchen to glisten upon it.

And I freeze.

I fucking freeze.

All I can think about is Archer.

The knife against my neck. My chin. My hand grabbing the knife, cutting myself on purpose. Him placing the dull end of the knife to my inner thigh as his tongue lapped up my wetness.

Brianna laughs at me.

She thinks I’m afraid.

Cullen gets away from them both and brings me a drink.

He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close.

“They’re losers,” he whispers to me.

He brushes his lips to my cheek.

Then I quickly kiss him.

I need to kiss him.

I need to taste his lips. His tongue.

I need to feel him… kissing me…

It’s a quick kiss, but effective.

I realize then I’ve kissed both Archer and Cullen tonight.

Whatever this is, I like it.

Behind me I hear giggling again.

Then I hear a comment of how my mother should have invested in a good metal coat hanger. Then I wouldn’t be around.

My mind flashes old memories of stories.

Me as a baby, left on Fay’s porch.

Why would someone leave me on Fay’s porch?

If I’m part of some powerful mafia family… why?

“Jaci,” Cullen whispers.

I shake my head. “I’m a fuckingHeir, Cullen. It’s about time they realize it.”

“Okay,” Cullen says.

He steps away from me and nods.

He then looks around and I see him nodding and then whistling.